Monday 15 March 2010

TrackIR, cockpits and mouse control

It's enough to make your head spin. Move your head, look at panel, keep it still long enough to move the mouse to click the tiny butt...darn I moved.

There must be an easier way than this. What about combining the mouse mode and disable TrackIR for the duration of the action? Hmmm. Not an easy one.

I cleaned the UFD font so it's less blurry, still hard to read, and the MPD screens are a more natural colour though smudge free. The cockpit has been optimised into a hirearchy to ease performance which seems to work well. I applied the pilot/cpg_root "show and hide" fix. Really helps.

More work on the mouse to cockpit interface tomorrow, and I need to nudge my MPD button labels to make them match the physical buttons. Here are a screen from today with added TrackIR 6DOF head tilt.


  1. Agree. Font is much better and the MFD colour is really life-like. Im not telling Ive seen Apaches MFDs for real, but it just looks better. Just didnt understand that thing about CP/G_Root...:-o

  2. I'm glad you think it's more natural, it's hard to be objective when you look at these things all day. Even the blurry font was starting to look good :)

    The cpg/root thing is just optimisation stuff I was pointing out to the art "department" (who consists of one guy).

  3. I see. Thanks again for explaining. I also liked that blurry font. Really. It had the look of camera taken footages from real cockpits. But this one is more readable. Thanks again and good luck!
