Saturday 13 March 2010

Controls need some tweaking

I spent some time mapping controls of an XBOX 360 joypad seeing what the minimum would be. After launching the game and spawning in the forest area I was able to sprint to the pad helo, quick start, take off, fly a wobbly circuit and land (pretty  hard). Exit the aircraft and leave the game via the portaloo. So getting closer to the pick-up and play.

It's easier for HOTAS controls, more inputs, more precise and some joypads have quirky input values on some axis (triggers and D-Pads for example).

So it's a good result. It's still difficult to fly, akin to a radio-controlled chopper using the twin thumb-sticks. This will improve when I get back to working on the flight dynamics and adding the pilot helpers (set height, hover hold, transition, bob-up).

To do

  • Add control profiles to make for swapping controller mapping easier. 
  • DeviceID to port mapping
  • Hot key to load mappings on the fly instead of re-launching game.
  • Exposing PowerTrain class to user input, should enable ENG page to work fully.
  • IHADSS torque bar (currently missing)

Dave's working on the wipers and preparing the cockpit for import into the game. Should be spectacular. In theory it could be integrated as early as next weekend which would be on track if we had gone with plan-A for the outsourced AH64D, which wouldn't have been as good.

Still not feeling great, tummy bug is going around town. Everyone's coming down or had it.

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