Tuesday 2 March 2010

More mapping, refining and scripting

Dave spent the better part of the day rebuilding the cannon and putting scratches onto the cockpit canopy which you can just make out in this image.

Although it doesn't look like it yet, the Apache is being mapped, ready for her first paint job. It's very exciting but a lot of hard work.

I made some improvements to the material assignments on various objects. Applying specular highlighting, correcting bump mapping.

I fixed up a lot of the existing LUA scripts and started creating behaviours for the AAA by adding a search mode with a target tracking mode to come.

It's nice to just drop these into the editor and see them come alive, fix up behaviour code and retry without having to re-compile.

This is the old Apache Longbow in the soft hanger. Too much specular.

We discussed at length the campaign system, the game within the game and I think we're all happy with the direction it's going to take. It's much more fun to fly combat missions with longer term goals in mind, it gives meaning to your environment. Here you are engaged in a battle for hearts and minds, where factions on the ground are influenced by mission outcomes. Action or inaction may turn the tide against you. I will elaborate in future updates. Until later.

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