Wednesday 10 March 2010

Random screen-shots of the morning

Last two days have been a bit wild with interest since news of our teams work went public via SimHQ who have been kind enough to offer us a home for the official forum for the game. Which is most fitting as it was originally the home of a semi-regular column I published there called...."Combat-Helo". My mail full of YouTube channel subscription notices and PMs (private messages) a plenty. Very busy but we managed to press on and with the refreshed code-base, better organised assets and cool new Longbow.

Time to show some random in-game  TrippleHeadToGo format screen-shots of a new map (forgive the programmer level art). This is a test area I quickly built for the new Longbow. Camp Zero will return later (it needs some conversion).

One of the early wargames I developed was a turn-based East/West German conflict between NATO and Warsaw pact forces (back in the 80s). So I couldn't resist making a small homage to that.

The 'in base' walk-about mode will have problems that many MMOs have, the now infamous, "Where's Sulu?" factor. New players need cues, hand-holding and guidance as to where they should be going. We have a (switchable) label system that identifies vehicles, readiness and (when implemented) mission status. So you'll always know what helo you've been assigned. Or even where the base commander is. Where's Sulu? (For those that don't know Star Trek Online, look that one up).

In the CPG seat, no high-detail cockpit yet. That's still being built. Nice fluid head-tracking. Canopy crud needs some work.

Looking left. Weather is a bit grim. That's Northern Europe for you.

Hopefully will have the new control system in place by the weekend (finally). Started this morning, takes a while to check things over and I found a bug in the player slot system which needs addressing (although it only effects vehicles spawned with God mode).

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