Sunday 21 March 2010

The outside in

After success with the switches it's time to make external helicopter parts visible from the high-detail cockpit. That is, seeing the outside from the inside.

Well the joins are not perfect but it adds a lot to the experience and sense of cockpit space. Especially with the rotors casting shadows over the pit as they beat the air senseless. I stripped it down a bit since this shot so the forward hull is missing. Even the screenshots are out of date by the time I post them. But at full res, with the sound, the shadows and trackIR, it delivers, and call me biased but I'm not kidding, the most fantastic sense of sitting in an Apache helicopter you can have on a desktop. And it's only going to get better.

And I'll include the following shot as I like it so much: this is what you see when you look over your shoulder. Enough to make any tank platoon weep.

And finally in Tripplehead2Go vision (120 degree field of view)...I currently do all the helo programming and testing on my small forest programmer art test track. Timed nicely to get two rotor blades into the shot (pure accident).


  1. It looks great! I like that light reflecting on edges of pylons or the front part of the hull. Cool.

  2. I thought I heard someone shouting we need some beta testers!! No really I just now...there it is again ;)
