Tuesday 23 March 2010

Greenzone wip images from game.

Just wanted to post these screens from the SimHQ Dev Diary. I think they show the incremental improvements being made. And looking a little bit better than what I had in mind at the start, which was Longbow 2 with trees (that's understatement btw, I'm really happy with the results so far).


  1. Wow...that look from the cornfield is just amazing. You want to tell me, that we will be able to fly over such cool terrain? Hunting fleeing insurgents with TADS and watching them running in the corn, trying to hide from our 30mm projectiles? DAMN! My sim dream is shaping very well under Your development! Once again....GREAT JOB!

  2. If I remember right, You said, that the map size will be around 40x40km. Isnt there a way, how to bypass this restriction? I mean...isnt 40x40km or miles too small for helicopter sim? Maybe I have wrong info...:-o

  3. It's exactly the same flyable area as another famous Longbow simulator. It's certainly large enough for our purposes.

    Dressing a map of this size is quite a lot of work.

  4. I see. Sorry, I just couldnt imagine how big it is. Then its great. Im not in any way trying to say its easy to this size of area. Thank You for answer.

  5. You always seem to have a comment Pavel :) It seems rude not to answer. How long till you get bored and run out of things to say? hehe

    I'd love to be able to do a huge streaming world but we can't afford the technology to do this, yet. If this is a success we may change up to something that will allow us to do huge regions. I know what we need, we just don't have the budget for it. This will be exciting enough, and there's a lot of scope for expansion.

  6. For me...it seems rude not to comment, when You are updating us on so many details. Im trying not to asking too many question, because I know its slowing You down. I really admire the skills You have and I also think You need some sort of feedback. You dont have to answer at all. :-))) I also understand that its all about money and when I think abou that tactical approach in helo sim, the area is big enough. Im sure its gonna be great.
