Thursday 11 March 2010

Do you like cockpits?

The real-time cockpit for the pilot is pretty much complete and the CP/G position has been started. I think this is a case of doing less with more. Managing to cram in a wealth of detail under the poly budget. It will be a couple of weeks to get this in game and the controls sending signals to where they are supposed to go.

You'll have another use for that dual-throttle controller now.



    I just wrote post about your project on my new blog.


    "Fox Two!"

  2. Just amazing like always. One of the best pits Ive seen. The LOD of knobs is insane. I just hope my comp will be able to even move this game. But would be a nice slideshow as well. I also love that detail of splattered flies on the nose of Apache on previous pictures. Real in every way. GREAT JOB!

  3. The knobs are not too bad, Dave has done a good job putting a texture on them. Thing about the engine, it's got a high initial resource cost, but it doesn't slow down as much as a traditional forward renderer would as you add detail.

    Highly detailed payware aircraft in FSX can have as much as 250k polys. That would be half of our max scene budget. Our hero ship cockpit has a budget of 50k, but looks like we're going to be under that (have to wait and see). 50k is the equiv of two Longbows with a full Hellfire loadout and the game engine handles that easily.

    Thanks for your appreciation, nice to know we're doing something right.

  4. I see. Thanks for explanation. Cant wait to spread my PFz over Taliban positions. :-)
