Sunday 28 March 2010

Menus and Weaponeering pt2

I was thinking over some official forum posts and one gentleman indicated that they were partly colour-blind. Accessibility issues are something I think about whenever I'm writing software or web site design work so I kicked myself when I didn't apply that to the interface. I added some GUI elements that link current selection to the tooltip, this should avoid ambiguity in the menu system.

So that's all working  as it should, just have to fix up the weapon selection system which will be based loosely around this mock-up...

We has some debate about walking around in ground mode clicking on weapons displayed on the ground like in the above picture. Or some other mechanism involving a fixed camera that cycles through each pylon and a vertical list to choose from.

On the whole, there's not much difference in workload, both are fairly trivial to implement. It's become a style choice. But I'm torn between traditional as above, or flashy console panning cam and up/down list.

Either way it's a far cry from Gunship 2000...or is it?

Which method will I implement? Stay tuned for the next thrilling blog post when all will be revealed.


  1. Hey Flex. thats great! Cool nostalgic picture to compare to You beautiful modeled Apache!!! I loved Gunship 2000. Gunship 2D picture still looks nice. :-) When Im looking at Your screenshot of arming screen, I realize, that I dont know, what types of Hellfire are there. I must dig some info. ;-) Amazing job...

  2. David has done a fantastic job researching and creating them. He built the K and L Hellfire II (as well as pods and rockets with little tail fin animation).

    As for Hellfires, one has a clear dome for the laser seeker and the other has a light grey cap, the grey being the radar version.

    As we have a full range of Hyrda rockets too. I need to think about how to sub-select different zones for those (as you can mix the different kinds into the pods and fired in 'zones').

    Normally, when I'd play these games, I'd be lazy and take 16 Hellfires, plenty of supply, no reason not to. There wasn't much incentive to carry rockets. If you did carry rockets there wasn't much choice. By having our pods work like the real ones we can have different rockets in each zone and that gives you something to think about when arming. You might want a couple of illumination rockets. Some flechette and HE.

    I think that will add an interesting angle.

  3. Oh...thanks for reaction on my reserves in education. :-) Now I will remember it about Hellfires. I agree with Thomas. Your system of labels is cool, so I would use it on weapons too.
    About FFARs........I really enjoy using them. I like the standard config like 8 Hellfires and two rocket pods. You have some "harder" arguments while engaging at close range. :-) Combination with illumination versions would be fun.
