Tuesday 16 March 2010

Clickable cockpit

The pilot can now click all the cockpit switches. Now we're putting together the database to link each one with an action and animate the clicked control correctly. Should be ready in a week.

Fixed a small issue with TrackIR and IHADSS. Improved Vsync settings.


  1. Every news here is great news. :-) I wonder, if You plan to include an option of putting IHADSS monocular aside. :-o

  2. In one of the last posts you wrote about clicking (and missing) the tiny switches while using trackIR. It would be really interesting to see you come up with a solution for that.

    As you said locking the view could be an option.

    Another solution could be making the mouse movement relative to the cockpit and not relative to the view (monitor). Imagine the mouse "sticks" to the cockpit and you can move your view (trackIR) freely without affecting the mouse position.

    Just my 2 cents :) - and I have to support Pavels opinion that it seems to be coming along really great!

  3. That problem with missing the switches and buttons......for example I like the idea of Eagle Dynamics of assigning a function of locked view on MFDs or whatever to one key and ignoring Track IR inputs. You can easily interact with MFD buttons and when its done You simple depress the key and it returns the view control to Your Track IR. Or is this what You were talking about? Sorry if yes. :-)))
