Friday 19 March 2010

A little downtime - personal thoughts

The most relaxing thing of all has to be making little numbers blink across MFDs. That's the most relaxing thing to program. Don't have to worry about rendering speed, or 3D, you're in this this little retro world of vector lines and character sets, halcyon days of 8bit programming. Quite looking forward to getting back to that.

I saw on a forum that Gunship! is ten years old. I always feel somewhat guilty over my terrible (in every sense) review. Still makes me cringe. It wasn't bad for what it was.

I do hope folks realise that Combat Helo is not going to be a military spec simulator, it's a worry that my idea of the game isn't going to be other peoples idea. As an indie group of only a few people (2 mostly atm) and a timeline of less than a year, to prove that we can make sims fun again doesn't require intense levels of detail. Details you're never going to look at, or are important to entertaining people and making them feel like a super-cool pilot for an hour in the evening. Or share that feeling with others. To prove the point, we're going forwards by going backwards. We will succeed or fail. Either way we tried.



  1. I am very much looking forward to this sim - it will be what it will be and I am sure that you will succeed!

    If you stay true to what you want to accomplish then whatever anyone says it doesn't matter, not one jot!

    You know the saying - you can please some people all of the time...



  2. Will Combat Helo be at a comparable simulation level to Longbow2?


  3. According to your post it's probably not as "overwhelming" as e.g. Black Shark :), but could still be similar to Jane's Longbow or more like the Comanche series.

    Maybe you already wrote here but your opinion on detail or realism would be quite interesting - probably for more ppl than just me.

  4. Never mind - found your showcase page -->

  5. Just stay focused on Your initial idea. Im sure You will succeed. Dont worry about comparing it to Longbow, Blackshark or Enemy it Your way. Im sure its gonna be great already from these little pieces You have shown here. You work hard on this sim and hard work always pais off. Many people like me, are waiting for this kind of sim. I also like hardcore sims, but I miss those old-fashioned type sims with spirit. We keep fingers crossed and wish You good luck. Just take it easy and do it Your way. Later...
