Saturday 19 March 2011

More things (edit)

Little addition to the TSD. Adding more and more options here to keep track of where you are, what to display. I've probably missed a few things, PFZs for one, shout if you think of any.

Now adding glyphs for BattlePoints, Waypoints, Comm Checks etc.

And I'll move the "ENDR" endurance button label next to wind so I can fit a reciprocal heading display at the bottom. However there isn't room on the main TSD page for it. Not without moving elements around. Dave started work on some more FARP furniture, just in...

*end of update*

Little bit of optimisation. I put several drawing functions used by instruments, such as DrawAircraftOutline() DrawPitchLadder() DrawStores() etc. into OpenGL Display Lists. Someone compared my FLT page video with one found on YouTube and it was pretty close. I've added a few extra bits since which you might be able to see in the shot below.

The Bushmaster cannon got some love in the form of an 800 poly muzzle. I'm being asked, is it worth 800 polys? I don't know, its something that matters up close when LOD0 is active in an external view. Gun cam puts the cannon right into your face so it needs a bit of detail. How much is too much?

You might note the WEP (weapons) page has been completed too. If you're interested in looking at the real thing then see this Boeing video featuring a desktop trainer from a few years ago.


I wasn't going to work this weekend but I had a few hours to tinker this evening and added a rudimentary GPS satellite system to the Environment class (that does the time of day / air pressure, sun position etc). There's a star of 25 GPS with variable signal strength that's computed when the host initialises the environment.

Doppler toggles a sensor in the tail that points down (detects ground movement to assist INS confidence, not the radar alt as I wrote at 2am *thanks for the correction), auto-page toggles the ASE pop-up (ala Longbow 2). INU resets don't do anything (we don't want to do manual set-up of these things). Time toggles between local, Zulu and current system (PC) time in the Upfront Display. That's another page crossed off the list.

Other things...the TSD had some tweaks, helo datum, NAV/ATK mode toggle now working. The FLT page pitch ladder had it's scale adjusted to more accurately reflect reference video (YouTube source) and this made room under the heading tape for important indicators.

Cockpit/Sim Data Exchange

This was something I always wanted to add but never got a clear idea as to how to do it. Circumstances forced my hand (in a good way). I added a JSON library to turn some internal game data structures into a format suitable for sharing. Once I sort out the connectionless interface it should be possible to quickly add FSUIPC style query/response exchange. We can make this bi-directional and allow web pages to set "Direct To" waypoints for helos as incoming messages.. I'll let your imaginations run wild with the possibilities of that one.

I have a concert tonight, Bach's Double Violin Concerto which is one of my favourites ( our first combat video is going to be delayed a few days since I'm not that into working flat-out atm and I've got a busy day Monday.


  1. Wow!!!! Everything looks SO great!!! I love the cannon! Yes...its worth it. Great job!!!

  2. GPS imbedded in the sim. Great way to track down pirates!

