Tuesday 29 March 2011

Range targets

Art dept. has been going into overdrive today taking existing assets and giving them a 'make-under' would you call it? Distressing them to the point where they are nothing more than rust buckets which wouldn't look out of place in my driveway. My car looks like its survived an atmospheric re-entry.

Another thing Leadwerks does really is piles of rusty garbage. We needed something to shoot at on our firing-range that resemble old vehicles. Photographs of target ranges will show large white tanks painted on the ground, or have descriptions including old cars and containers. As this is video-game land where assets are virtual we can do what we like. We can populate the firing-range with  rusty cars and Russian Tanks/BMPs.

I really need to sort out some procedural grass somehow. It would add so much more depth to exterior scenes, can't use engine veg for grass as it's simply too much data for the large outdoor areas we use and shouldn't be necessary. This is one area where Unity really scores. Mixing the large and the small is something neither engines are great at, Leadwerks has more positives in this regard even though they are both really made for creating small scale level based games.

Completed some bug fixes today, waypoint selection was confusing, the HUD was telling me to go in the opposite direction to the map, which is down to the helicopter being aligned down its negative axis.

Also the special effects system we need for 'blowing stuff up' is taking shape. For days (weeks) I kept putting it off as I'd think about how it should work, how well it would scale, changing my mind. Problem with OOP programming is that there's more than one way to instantiate cat skinning. I'm a visual person (right brain dominance), terrible verbally, in phone interviews I can manage my name and sometime my phone number. When it comes to programming complex systems it's easy as pie to see them in my head as dozens of discrete interactions but don't ask me to describe it (blog writing isn't improving my skills any). However the FX system had many versions running around my brain with no clear advantage to either approach.

So I'm adopting a singleton effect manager. As this is easier to scale and debug. Each effect type (smoke, fire, crater etc) as it's own class instance added to a linked list, each type managing the max lifespan, max count, update logic. Some effects being less resource hungry than others can be processed over several frames, others are more dependent on time between frames. This is easier to control in a single manager. I don't know if this is also what might be called a factory? It's been so long since I worked in a office with real people I'm not clear what current terminology would be. Someone asked me about design patterns the other week, I thought they were talking about bloody knitting, even though we'd been using re-usable code concepts for over a decade. I blame yuppies and their fancy frothy coffees.

Aha, it could be considered an "Abstract Factory Pattern" (I just looked it up). Really don't care what you call it. It should do the job as adequately as any other approach and be a bit easier to maintain and debug.

To finish, here's a screen-shot of a fuel bowser and interior of the gas station...although you wouldn't normally get to see the interior in game. Why does it make me think of Duke Nukem?


Ground test cannon fire on static objects. Each round impact is creating two emitters, one for dirt material and another for dust/smoke. Work needed to give it more visual 'pop'.

Smoking or non-smoking?

Metal rain.

The above shot for Pavel. Showing dust from a 10 round burst at an object 10 meters away. Dust duration is now set to 16 seconds.


  1. AAAaaaaaa I love you all :)
    Fantastic wrecks,how it must look in TADS! as always, you rock.
    The last screen IS from Duke Nukem :) I remember this add-on Plutonium/Atomic Pack;)
    Fuel bowser looks like an photo-amazing.

  2. are the hellfire missiles working yet??

  3. Hellfire missiles are on order.

    Next weapon system will be the FFAR rockets. There's still some HMD symbology to complete for the cannon but I'll do the rockets at the same time.

    The Hellfire and FCR will be left until the firing range is done. Its something I personally want to do a really good job on, which means taking time over it. Quite a complex system in itself.

  4. Smoking or no smoking, I don't mind, aslong as there's a drinking section. Maybe that's what the front seat is there for.

    Solid gold progress either way.

  5. I set the impact dust to the ambient sun colour otherwise it's not effected by lighting. Isn't that what normal maps are for in particles?

    Might need to ask someone about that.

    What really sells the impacts are the sound FX....now where to get some.

    Speaking of sound effects, there's an old episode of Doctor Who (The Five Doctors I think it is) in which the Cybermen detonate a bomb around the Tardis. The sound effect from that came from an actual IRA car bomb going off. How cheeky was that?

  6. Nice! I like that dust from impacts. When You watch real footages from Apache, there is always much much more dust from cannon rounds impacting targets and ground, than in any sim. And the dust vanishing time is too fast I think. I know it has some impact on FPS, but still....:-)

  7. I watch LOTS of footage. Too much really, it can make for uncomfortable viewing.

    Problem is, if I pump up the dust too much it brings my rig to its knees (50% frame drop) and it's quite a capable 3D card. Lots of overdraw has a huge impact on FPS. The trick is tweaking the art asset for less overdraw but greater density. Plus it also needs to get rendered in the FLIR view (which it isn't atm as I don't render transparency in it).

    And there's more to add, secondary fire and smoke. I've been looking at the new Ace Combat videos in 'slo-mo' for some pointers on how AAA studios put these things together today. Quite fascinating actually. Doing more with less is an art form. Just look at their Apaches and pilots. The countermeasure launcher is simple yet looks fully 3D.

    After reading your comment Pavel I extended the dust lifetime to 16 seconds, decreased the alpha and reduced the intensity (to 2). After a single 10 round burst at a target in front of me I can't see a darn thing. See screenshot I just added at the bottom.

  8. We like dust!DUST not smoking ;)
    Imo it is always like more, and larger ,than less, as always you have to find a compromise between appearance, performance, and expectations of the people.
    The last two yesterday'spictures look very good already.

  9. I suppose the thing to keep in mind which I sometimes don't because I develop systems on a small map, is you're often (supposedly) shooting at things up to 1km away where it won't matter too much and bigger clouds = more visible at range.

    Although the downside is the target will vanish from view for a short while.

    Time to break out the user options and add particle density I think.

  10. OK I just tried it at long range and it does work better like that. The in-built inaccuracy of the cannon spreads the shells over a wider area at longer ranges resulting in a less dense "smoke screen" so it's possible to maintain eyes on target from roll-in to roll-out.

  11. Target shooting at a distance of a kilometer will probably rare, and most of the goals that do not cause danger.If it looks good from afar, it does not need to worry loss of visibility from up close.

  12. The shortest target range on the range map is about 1K. The M230 has a max range of over 4K's.

    Anyhoo..Who cares? The smoke hit effect looks spot on and it can be tweaked much much later. Lets make this train an express and keep it rolling onwards down the tracks.


  13. I was working on other tings too you know.

    1200 rounds of ammo doesn't seem to last very long in this thing. Adding the cannon reticle and high-action display mode for it now.

  14. And smoke and fire, I know no place for jokes ,but good fresh video.

  15. We've been looking at videos of Ace Combat Assault Horizon, which is basically a game about particles with some planes in it.

  16. Game as the game was hopeless, but really beautiful explosions.If you need assistance in finding something that will gladly help you.

  17. Hi. Thank You very much for taking my point of view into consideration. Its awesome to see the feedback in such a short time. Thank You again. I dont know a damn thing about sim development, so I understand there are compromises, which have to be made. Still....thanks for thinking about it and put it into testing. I also like AC videos. I think that demanding everything to be 3D or volumetric or whatever is pointless even in present era of powerfull rigs. The final result is the main goal. Its a little extreme, but I still like Gunship style of effects of dust and explosions. I mean Gunship not Gunship 2000. :-) Hitting the APC with cannon is very satisfying...:-)

  18. It's all good Pavel, I don't get much feedback sat here all day, it's nice to have a bit of interaction. If I didn't want it I wouldn't have a blog.

    I think we spent several hours yesterday getting just the 'process' of adding rotor blur correct. Back and forth. No doubt that will go through a few changes as the weeks roll by.

    To clarify my remarks about Ace Combat ASSHOR, not wanting them to be taken out of context as my remarks sometimes do. I was eluding to the remarkable use of particles everywhere in those promo videos. Every action frame is full of them. Certainly plays to the strength of console hardware which are limited in memory but exceptionally good at showing millions of particles every frame. People making retro remix games often throw in zillions of them to dress it up and dazzle us gamers.

    But I agree Pavel, the game is the thing, we dont have the man hours or budget for high-end content but we do have a solid dynamic game ready to go into combat-helo. For me that's the best part and I hope you guys will think so to.

  19. One just cant imagine, how many "little" things have to be done to get the sim together. :-) I really admire Your work.
    I understand that mentioning of AC. I think particles are very powerful "weapon" when used the right way. I adds a lot to many things. Small pieces of debris flying around during explosion, ground hits or ground vortex. I really dont have an idea how its used, but it always looks cool.
    I think that one of the best explosion effects were in Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter for consoles. Amazing. Also a lot of nice particles. COD use it a lot too. But I think that tuning Your sim with particles will be the final stage of development, right?
    Last two questions.....will the firing cannon generate some smoke? And will the canopy relfex light in certain angles to light source? I know these things dont have much impact on simulation itself,....but still. :-)
    Thank You.
