Wednesday 9 March 2011

Team Challenge - Day 6

The cannon is almost working, a little matter of adding the muzzle flash to the THelicopter class. Gun burst limits are in effect, audio, projectiles follow a simple ballistic trajectory which we'll improve. A gravity only model simply applies gravity at 9.8m/ps to the y (up/down) axis. To this we'll add drag.

On firing a round, the velocity of the barrel is added to the projectile and off it goes till it hits something or translates more than 1200 meters.

However what we want to do is have the gun accept a range and elevate the barrel accordingly (range coming from another system such as TADS, FCR, manual input). However these are refinements we'll add later.

The velocity of each 30mm shell can be imparted to a struck object, in a multi-player environment this is a tricky thing to pull off.

Visuals for the gun need to be added, flash, tracers and impact, assets for which are ready but need to be integrated. Then we'll need some damage effects, flame, smoke.

Work on the firing range continues

More working on the training facility, and very impressive it's looking this morning too. Loosely modelled on Hooper Stagefield and Molinelli Stagefield in Alabama (part of Fort Rucker). Here's a sneak peak, fresh from Dave's hard-drive:

Lot of hand tweaked AO mapping there

Observation tower with door knob and hinged door
Every target range comes with an observation post.

"There's something on the roof"


  1. Thanks Richard for this blog, and for what you write, never get previously did not met with something similar, and every day i start browsing the internet from this blog;)
    Daily reports are a great idea, But I wrote it already, you have plenty of great ideas.

  2. Don't forget the rest of the team. They make it all possible.

  3. Of course I have in mind all,I not forget , but not my fault AD(Dave?) so little here says;)

  4. superb work, keep it up !
