Thursday 24 March 2011

Where am I? Instrumentation.

TSD Update

Added a number of navigation glyphs to the TSD, going to need a bigger test map.

Trying this new FSAA full screen anti-alias shader. Trees look a little posterised, edges look a little softer. Still in two minds about it. Performance seems the same.

Expanded the navigation systems a little. Present Position (PP) toggles your location given in Decimal Degrees using WGS84 ellipsoidal calculation. The map tile provides origin position in lat/lon. I highly recommend this Microsoft white paper if you're interested in mapping data.

Basic conversion is (using doubles for precision):

// METERS_PER_NM = 1852.0;
// Map Tile origin in lat/lon degrees in
//    Tile.MapLongitude and Tile.MapLatitude
// Input: TVec3: pos; entity object position we want in lat/lon
// Output: TVec3:LatLon; in decimal degrees

Tile.MapConvergence = cos(Tile.MapLatitude * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);

LatLon.x = Tile.MapLongitude + pos.x / METERS_PER_DEGREE / Tile.MapConvergence;
LatLon.y = Tile.MapLatitude + pos.z / METERS_PER_DEGREE;

Seems to work well enough on this scale without having to resort to complex calculations.

More cockpit switches have been given functions, nav lights and stobes. The aircraft spotlight was given it's own 3D mesh finally, so it will pop-out on demand, will make it steerable too. The switch to deploy the spotlight (it's a 4-way hat, extend, retract, left, right) is located mid collective and we don't have the cockpit et-up to allow mouse clicks on these controls. There's no other cockpit switch provided so for now it will be hot-keys/joystick input command only (although /skey spotlight 1 in the console  works too).

Standby instrumentation now working: alt and airspeed needles now indicating (little calibration needed). Texture mapping the artificial horizon ball (attitude indicator) has been driving Dave crazy to get the degree markings all lined up but he got there with only mild insanity, muttering things about 3D Max and inability to do flexible sphere mapping without crashing. Finished the standby magnetic wet compass (wet as it contains fluid, not much different from the ancient Chinese compasses consisting of a needle floating on water). That completes the analog instruments in this helicopter.

The Horizon Ball was one of those silly problems that sucked up more time than it should have. Pitch applied then a local roll. Problems with the objects XFORM (3D MAX modifier) caused some issues until AD got it licked on the second try this morning.

Additional FARP furniture is in progress: 70mm Hydra rocket pallets (pictured below), flags, 30mm ammo boxes and spent shell casings for fall out the bottom of the cannon.


Update to Apron lights (and ground based static navigation lighting, such as tower hazard lights). Now we're looking more like a science-fiction film.

Next step

Finishing mapping and route navigation today and tomorrow. Then it's back to the firing range to complete the exploding fx tests.


  1. Hey Richard,

    After reading about your thoughts on the searchlight controls, I just wanted to suggest you take a look at this site SCSimulations

    I posted a link to this site on their forum, in the hopes of seeing a Helios Combat-Helo Gauge Pack in the near future! I am really rooting for Helios to support Combat-Helo.

  2. Oh cool. Fuck,....just.....FUCK.......sorry....I really like new pics and all that stuff. :-o

  3. Absolutely fantastic lighting;) we waiting for explosions!

  4. Explosions are going to be one of those things that will take time to flesh out, so don't be disappointed too much buy the first generation effects.


    I'm not really sure what it would require on my part. From what I gather, Helios (Greek God of the Sun) is a touch screen interface that acts as a controller or keyboard/mouse interface.

    An interface to supply simulation data via JSON formatted messages will be provided (we'll be trying this next month for some technology test). And I understand ActiveMQ will be used as a message broker to join two very different systems together. ActiveMQ is an open source message queue service, since CombatHelo works as a whole load of discrete systems messaging each other, this lends itself perfectly to remote control or simple data polling.

    I dare say people could use a web app to act as forward area controllers if they wanted to be creative.

    The instruments are mostly native OpenGL and will need a little code work to get the same code to run stand alone. It's going to happen since I want to get some of these MPDs running on tablet devices for my own benefit.

    If there's anything specific needed to support any third party software or hardware then I'm always open to dicussion,

    rhawley at tricubicstudios dot com

  5. Btw, the lights in the above night shots are for experimentation, they will be reduced in size, used along short landing strips and mark the apron boundary. I just thought it looked cool making space patterns :) (avid fan of Space 1999 when I was a kid)

    Everything on this blog is of course "work in progress".

  6. Speaking of night lighting-This game will also be great;)

  7. That looks like it's using 'real' lighting too. Epic. Imagine doing that at tree-top height :)

  8. And this sound ...killing me ;) For me one of the few must have this year,except Combat Helo
    Sorry for ot ;)

  9. That's gorgeous, both visually and audibly a feast for the senses. That's the sort of game that needs a $400 steering wheel and car seat to really do it justice.

    I need to save up my pennies for some replica Apache controllers.

  10. That's true.
    Btw if you can tell -what is your list " must have "games this year?
    I wonder if this long list, or just like my damn short :(

  11. I only have one game on my must-have list this year. Batman Arkham City.

  12. Only!? is worse than I thought;) I thought more you play,because you are good oriented in the gaming news.
    For me CH,shift2,rage,dungeon siege 3,and Batman- not much more ,sad but true.
    But it really only the first two.

  13. I have three kids so I get to play all kinds of games. Board games too, I have Alhambra here unpacked ready to play when I get a chance.

    Really don't have time for games these days, it was remarked upon by a member of my family that I am always remarking on some technical aspect, or mechanic clearly borrowed from another game. My kids just have fun with them.
