Wednesday 2 March 2011

Recent community feedback

There's been an interesting discussion at SimHQ looking at ways to expedite release:

Suggestions for a faster Combat Release

Good suggestions and comments there. We'd always planned a flexible a feature list that could be trimmed from the tail backwards to meet the projects 18 month expected overrun. Shaving off extensive features like the Hellfire launch system would work in our favour for releasing a demo/trial. The Hellfire system isn't (often) deployed in the theatre, sometimes yes. The pioneers of near full game demos, Interplay's Descent, ID's DOOM is still a good model for us. They followed the most important rule of showbiz (and applies to gaming), "leave them wanting more".

I've been reading all the suggestions and will be reviewing plans with the whole team at the end of the week.

With MTADS you can't see the join, no wait.
An alternative tack is to release a 'mini-game' using the current technology, such as an MTADS trainer which I can take a stab at guessing how that works. It's not hard to extrapolate a reasonable level of functionality from laughably Photoshoped press-images of the system (above).

Thank you

It's also been quite humbling to read the messages of support. The whole team have worked hard given such scarce resources. Imagine what might have happened with even a tenth of the money spent your typical AAA game wrap party (SONY blows huge amounts on those in London).

ADs M2 model in outline


  1. Flexman i fear only one thing,
    I hated this in new games.
    The game will be released incomplete/ unfinished/ with many errors, and only systematically patched after release.
    Also you are old school player, and I hope that this does not will.
    It is better to wait a month or two longer than cause frustration in the players.
    This post is not aggressive;) , I do not know English well, such a loose remark, because I do not hate what is happening now with the games.

  2. hmmm someone deleted my post
    or I do not sent....?

  3. Mystery solved. Banita, you're such a popular poster on my blog the software which uses frequency analysis thought you were spamming. Your post is now restored.

  4. .... sorry. Overall, I do not know how many posts is normal, and how much is spam, Because for 10 years as I have internet is the only one blog what I read, and what I write,
    Well, I'll be less spamming;)

  5. you go right on posting as much as you like.
