Sunday 6 March 2011

Team Challenge - Day 4 Working on the Range

A production quality "Firing Range" is in progress. One day of work and it's shaping up quite nicely. It's a fictional location built for hosting US Army rocket and cannon drills. Incorporating lanes for running fire/diving  and hover attacks.

I think you can see some of the exploding crater objects in the first shot. Other major features include a small lake and a dry riverbed.

Dave used Terragen  rather than DEM files, this results in a much better quality of landscape, smoother, no terracing artefacts. The training area, will incorporate a small FARP facility, clearings for landing and take-off exercises. Ranges are approx 500m across, will be populated with assorted wrecks, containers.

And since Apaches don't normally carry tracers but for sake of observation and programming the ballistics (in the next day or two) we will be showing these.

Go team (working Sundays, must be mad, who's paying for this?)


Head tracker position now updates the gun turret as well as the PNVS. Switching to external view and moving your head shows both systems responding quite well. I need to introduce a lag curve to smooth positioning and add a limiter to turret movement. Some model issues to resolve, the gun mesh origin is a little off axis and the barrel axis is at the wrong end.

Cannon and PNVS slaved to TrackIR

Pilot view angle (mouselook, keyboard or TrackIR) updates the PHS vector (pilot helmet sight) of the playerHelo object through a call to <vehicle object>.UpdateHeadPosition(crewIndex, vector). For AI, the update is the same. Multiplayer update should come via TStateMini, not yet implemented.

Position updates are deferred since either system may be going through a STOW operation.

Next: WEP page fix and control inputs for weapon selection/cycling/fire.


  1. really really cool, can't wait to fire it up :)

  2. You have absolutely brilliant and groundbreaking ideas,
    I hope that per a few months you will not have to ask such questions;)

  3. what a work !

    it's really impressive o.O
