Saturday 26 March 2011

End of week progress

A short video of a live fire test courtesy of DEVLEAKS, captured as it happened from my iPhone. Just showing Dave the shell ejection at work.

Update...Gas anyone???

Firing range gas station for the highway that runs through part of it.

This week...

Bad memories of programming Misioneer resurfaced when dealing with variable map scales, orientation and panning. This wasn't so bad as we have a non-resolution dependent display system work with. MPDs are simply 2 units across. So we can plot game units directly to the display simply by multiplying them with a mapscale:

float:mapscale = 2.0 / (Self.MapRanges[Self.TSDScaleIndex] * 1000);

Yesterday was spent adding waypoint rendering which mostly consisted of adding the vector symbols to render each type of waypoint symbol. Each symbol requires a mask for blanking the map or video underlay.

AD asked me what some of the symbols meant from the shot I posted yesterday, "AP" was supposed to the "RP" for Release Point (I've changed the "R" character to be more recognisable). See shot below.

The problem I have with this map is that the symbols are hard to see when sat back. Unless you stick the ruddy map in your face it's hard to tell some blobs apart. I tried making them bigger but then they start to overlap when you have tight clusters of waypoints. Then there is the issue of layering. The trick to rendering maps like these is to draw your route first (lines) then symbols. Only connecting lines to waypoints flagged as being 'on current route'. Adding waypoints to a helicopter involves a message to the Helicopter.Navigation object, (Vec3, type, speed_knots, label).

All helos can be loaded with routes for player and AI flights, it allows for players to send their routes to other helos as a message stream if we want to implement that later. The command tent mission terminal will use this same function to upload a mission route to the helo. The ground map is scheduled for April hence the need to get the symbology done).

More 3D Art - Ammo boxes and obs tower

I didn't take these in great lighting conditions, the ground lights are still a novelty so I can't resist playing with them. FARPs now have 30mm ammo boxes, both open and closed in addition the Apache will be getting shell casings ejected  from the cannon today and if I have time, look again at the blurred rotor blades.

I think part of the problem with the blurred rotors is that they are supposed to have transparent parts added through a multiplicative blend (not alpha), but they also have parts of the hub and connectors on the model so I think they just need to be the 'blur' component and nothing else. But also it's an animated 'skinned' mesh so it cones upward with lift.

I think the best way forward is to hide this element on the model (in the LUA code) and show it when rotor RPM is above a certain rate so both the normal rotor and the blended one is visible.

The firing range tower stuck on my mini test site. You can mount the stairs but getting inside is a bit of a trick. I'll see if we can't fix a static ground camera in there.

Checking ballistics visually. Normally you won't see this.


  1. Already now it looks sooo polished. Amazing!!! I love those empty casings from cannon. Kick ass!!!

  2. I'm glad for you, are also important details such as lighting, shadows, and all the rest,Not only the physics and avionics.
    Lighting is fantastic, I can not wait to see the explosions(with lighting) in action, I hope that once again you surprise us.
    Shells look great, did not expect to see in CH ;)

  3. Awesome video!! :) Did I see wrong? The rotorblades seemed to bend downwards during flight? (halfway in the video)

  4. Probably an optical illusion due to the blade root tapering. Only thing they do is cone or flex upward with lift.

  5. Flex, not sure if this has been covered yet. Will we have the ability to render the MFDs onto a second monitor. This is done, as I am sure you are aware, in DCSA10, there are several coders out there that have produced programs like Touch Buddy and the latest is HawgTouch. HawgTouch is what i use and it makes such a difference to the operation of the aircraft.

  6. I intend to create an iPad app and a thin OpenGL client for PCs to render instruments externally to the game using mostly the same code that renders them. I just need to pass the aircraft states to them.

    Video underlay is a problem, only way I could port that to an external program is through compressed buffer data which might not work too well unless you have a beefy CPU for encoding. Then there's the speed of the target device to consider.

    I tried it with the Saitek Instrument Panel and the update time on that device sucked. It works best with static images you pre-load then draw in different locations.

    There are MPD repeaters you can set to display anywhere on your display (position and scale).

    Considering the extra work for active cockpit displays we might make them as optional extras that get supported and updated along with the main game. But we'll publish some specs on the data interface so folks can make their own interfaces.

    We're testing ActiveMQ and JSON for this next month...prob mid to late April.

  7. Actually, I wouldn't mind a touchbuddy and touch device to do some work on the Keyboard Unit for entering data. Would also be good for side-panels.

  8. DEVLEAKS...LOL Cannon fire and shell ejection looks great!

  9. Any idea on how you can simulate really good hand-held camera motion?

  10. Best handheld camera effect is in kane and lynch 2,but you probably know it, the effect of the old tapes and shocks.
    glowing amraam too great effects in dcs black shark and a-10
    but sure you ask about technical things, not examples .

  11. Yes I'm interested in algorithms. I found something based on cubic splines.

  12. Umm WOW! Flexman, seriously, this is really fantastic work!

    I cant wait to get my hands on this sim.

    Keep up the great programming... its just dazzling to think how you, working alone, can actually make all of this happen from computer code.... Im in awe.


  13. as far as exporting the panels and MFDs I/O, I think that wold really be fantastic.

    I imagine you have heard of Helios? While the app it was built in is fairly clumsy and I suspect not efficient, it does work in A-10.

    Im just wondering if you would consider making this a paid-for add on to your sim for those pilots that want it. Helios wants $90, which i think is excessive, especially considering many instruments dont work due to DCS not provinding the I/O data.


  14. Just like to point out Combat Helo is being developed by a dedicated team of (on average) 2.5 people.

    I didn't really know much about add-on software, some of this stuff can be difficult to put together and I can't think many units get shifted to make it worthwhile.

    Personally I think software of the complexity of DCS should cost thousands of dollars but it doesn't. You get near mil-spec quality on your desktop for peanuts. Although it's a bit like how we used to develop some big web applications, one client pays for development and we retain the rights to sell cut down versions to other customers to claw back revenue over time.

    We're an independent game company and don't have tax payers or governments sponsoring development, but we have to look for additional revenue streams to support continued work for an eventual sequel in which we will increase the scale and detail considerably using new technologies. Accessories such as active MPDs are one way of doing this as is additional digital content like new helicopters and mission areas.

    We could even add drivable land vehicles to this game such as the M1 if needed. Even have them in the same battlefield. But I don't think that's a direction we're interested in.
