Saturday 7 May 2011

IHADSS back in the tool-shop

The final part of the weapon system for the Apache involves a ton of logic to get this working in all my little black software boxes. It needs to handle many situations, for example the CP/G firing a missile with the gun obstructing the launch rails. With different sights selectable by crewmen, messages and high action display format needs to be updated in a timely fashion for each position.

General things still to add, aim reticules and more heading tape markers for various things. Some improvements were made to the internal HUD rendering, a fair chunk of it could be optimized later much like I did with the MPDs.

The High Action Display now has zones for messages updated by the ApacheAvionics class, slip ball and the FOV box needs some logic to deal with the currently selected sight. So that's some of my worksheet for the weekend. I move the whole H.A.D down a bit as it was too low to fit all the messages that are supposed to be around there. Native resolution is 512x512 for the interested.


  1. Hi. I cant imagine how much work has to be done to make this working. Good luck with that? What P-HMD means? Is something with Helmet Mounted Display? :-)))

  2. I meant: "Good luck with that." (DOT) :-) sorry

  3. Full marks Pavel. P- for pilot, C- for CPG. The default selected sight for the pilot is your HMD with the range set to 1,500 meters (that will read 1.5 eventually). Arm the cannon, look at a point on the ground, pull the trigger and shells are fired to hit 1.5k away.

    Still working out the auto-range, LB2 implemented TADS triangulation where it takes a series of bearings to compute range without needing to lase or use radar.

    Range finding is part of the skill-set needed for gunnery. Our firing range map has large range distance markers to get you familiar with that.

  4. Ok...thank You for explanation. Im very curious about the way, You will present the training in Combat Helo., we (Czech Republic) celebrate The Liberation Day. I live in Plzen (Pilzen) and today was a great day for a military freak like me. A lot of flags, flowers, smiling people, WW2 vehicles, veterans, weapons and programs.....very "powerful" day. Also some veterans from Great Britain remembering czech squadrons during Battle of Britain. Just a great day. Just saying hello to Britain. :-)
