Monday 9 May 2011

Crew and external cockpit detail

The Duke now sporting detailed external cockpit and crew complete with working glass instruments. Excellent work AD. We'll get some rudimentary animation sorted out, head movement will be tied to sensor operation shortly.


  1. Sorry...but this is fu*king amazing!!!

  2. Awesome!

    Just a small remark; the gunner looks a bit like he's scared of something, holding on with his armes locked.
    Maybe bend his arms a bit or bend him forwards (when holding the instruments) or have him not stretch his arms when he's just sitting and enjoying the flight

  3. Or, maybe he's just not enjoying the flight ;)

  4. Wow... looks very good guys! How many polys is she?

  5. Flex is in the back flying, so he's definately holding on for dear life. Either that or there a Taliban with Rpg just out of shot to the left.

  6. @Druid There's probably some truth to that.

    The more mundane reason for the pose is that you have to pick something to check scale and crew positioning. But cut the guy some slack, he's just had an arm transplant.

    Boned animation will happen eventually. Poly count for each crew member including helmet is 6000.

  7. I wanted to say something, but i'm not a malicious man :)

  8. Wow diablo 3 beta testing in the middle of the year :O
    Duke Nukem too this year.
    And finally Combat Helo, a fantastic year for games.

  9. Pilot and gunner are both correctly scaled (185CM tall without helmet), as is the aircraft. The difference between the photo and the 3d world is that our pilot is a bit of a low-rider.

    It'd be pretty easy to raise the seat height, but it would mean extending the collective and cyclic beyond their current height.

    We'll have an M4 in the pit eventually.


  10. Really nice! Are you planning to add some animations to the crew?

    Really impressive work.

  11. Sorry, but I speak very bad English. (and even worse writing)
    Google helps me tell you that your work is really beautiful. Congratulations to you all. that is a real ordeal of waiting for a pilot version.
    a small note on the size of the "hobbit" in the cockpit, here is a video where you can see, among other things, accurately size and position of seats and crews. I hope this can help you.


  13. Everything is scaled correctly but the crew are low riding. In our cockpit the pilots feet reach the pedals and able to comfortably reach both cyclic and collective.

    The Apache is a really large helicopter. At only 5ft 10" I look like a Hobbit next to it.

  14. That could also be the fact that the angle of the view/"lens camera angle" is large. If you saw the helicopter from the side view and with a "normal lens" would feel more real. Is like there is a distortion.

    You guys are making an remarkable work. Bring those old feelings back in the days about a new simulation! ;) Been waiting for a sim like this since Longbow 2.


  15. Also if you notice closely, the pilots are in a stretched position, is like you driving you car with the back against the seat and with the arms fully extended. That also contributes to the fact that crew looks smaller. I think when they are in their "normal" position they will look correct.

    Sorry for double post.

