Sunday 15 May 2011

Another quick update

A query at SimHQ by "nadal" prompted me to add another setting to the HUD config to allow for users with colour blindness to change the PNVS video to any hue they want. This brings it in-line with the HUD symbology. Both can be configured with different hues using RGB values 0 to 1 (0 min intensity and 1 is maximum intensity).

Also added a dynamic field-of-view to the flypast camera (F5) which makes for nice screen-shots and videos.

Gun firing during a sideways flypast


  1. nice touch... that screen looks allllmmmooosssttt real.

  2. those empty casings or how is it called. MOVIE! MOVIE! MOVIE!

  3. I suppose I did promise a movie of the firing range with stuff blowing up. Can't quite face it right now. Maybe at the end of the week. There's rockets and rest of the HUD still to do.

    See, I have a bunch of 'offline' code that I use to experimentally build things like the campaign or camera system for example. And sometimes it takes a day or two to move it over. Sometimes it takes an hour, if that.

    Today hasn't been very productive as I have an object parenting problem I can't track down. Eager to move onto the next milestone.

  4. OK...Im just hyped to max. :-) Cool PNVS screens on SimHQ forum. Man...Your team is shaping this sim very very nicely. Cant wait.

  5. do you have a good number of the weps modeled yet flex? (sorry if someone has asked before)... semms like those would be about a third of the work right there.

  6. The only major work needed for weapons is taht involving the Hellfire system, SA-6 and maybe SA-9. Those I regard as major milestones and have been put aside till after the firing range is released. Fair to say the Hellfire is a sort of aircraft in its own right but nowhere near as much work as you might think. It's not crewed, you always know its point of origin, it's destination, doesn't have a cockpit, three states (on rail, in flight, impacting). FCR is partially complete already.

    The rest of the weapons we'll have in the first release are variations of the ballistic code already present. Thanks to the magic of OOP programming they are easy to modify or add a slightly new variant.

    Actual weapons are easier than getting the symbology implemented in year old code. I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be quicker to start the HUD from scratch to bring it in-line with the MPDs which use a 100% vector based drawing system. Bit late now of course.

  7. Ahhh OK. I thought the hellfire would be insanely hard to create and implement.
