Tuesday 3 May 2011

20 knot smoke

For someone who wanted to see what smoke looked like at 20 knots.


  1. yup, Thats pretty much what the real thing would look like I think.

  2. Thats exactly what I always wanted in sims. Great job!

  3. Visuals like that would work very well in a SIM like A10 where some munitions (CBU) and dumb iron bombs have limitations for wind correction and work better with a drop that runs along the winds axis. Gives you a great visual cue on the battle field for a bomb drop run in line. Will your FFAR rockets have cross wind interference simulated?
    As for looks, that is some of the most realistic smoke in the wind i have ever seen in a SIM when compared to some of the smoky fires I have seen during my time in oil patch especially Kuwait just after the first war.

  4. Nothing special.

    (All praise ,it's boring ;) )

  5. One of the FFAR rocket warheads is WP smoke. I'll be moving onto rockets shortly and the gameplay issues that arise revolve around difficulty.

    IHADSS has a CCIP for rockets so all you need to do is put the bar over your target. I'll need to find some reasonable figures for drag. It's not something I've added for 30mm rounds yet as the wind has only just been implemented. Shouldn't be a problem? Hah, well here's the problem.

    Depending on the angle of the projectile (a 70mm rocket) relative to the wind direction, the cross section of the surface area will vary from a circle to a long elliptical shape. We want to factor in drag based on body length parallel to the direction of air flow expressed as a known quantity. That's a Reynolds number which I can use to work something out. Do it on paper first, code and confirm.

    I based the smoke plumes on the typical English BBQs, tall blackened smoke stacks of cremated meat. Haven't had a decent barbie yet.

    Happy Star Wars Day. As an antidote I declare May 19th Jump The Sith day (Jump The Shark? Oh look it up, I ain't explaining it).

  6. I just got totally disorientated over a smoking target area, the drifting smoke past the canopy had me thinking I was slipping sideways, it was most unnerving.
