Sunday 1 May 2011

Busy weekend

Sunday night, this weekend we're we're back at full three man team strength. I can tell Fred's working hard on the physics as my DropBox folder is constantly getting updated. Inspired by a Microsoft blog of how a remote team collaborated on a project we used a combination of Skype, TeamViewer and Dropbox to edit and test live across countries.

AD has been fine-tuning his graphic pipeline and performance. As always Combat-Helo is a work in progress. After release the intent is to continue to fine-tune and improve for as long as we can pay the bills for it. As always AD kicks it up a notch, always finding new ways to makes things work that bit better.

Recent shots published at SimHQ of the US Firing Range / training area.

His work makes my screen-shots look crap in comparison :) Most of today was spent adding blast radius damage effects, wind and replacing the potentially seizure inducing 30mm cannon muzzle flash with a non-flashing gas expelling effect which is almost there but needs some artistic love to get the materials just right.

I am very pleased with the explosion and secondary effects and I think all the functions are in place that we can throw in some good vehicle data to make it behave. It's starting to play like a Longbow game of the 21st century.

I can't thank the team enough for their hard work and giving up their free-time over the weekend. The Milky Bars are on me chaps.

Plumes at approx 1,800m

Plumes at approx 1,000m
Took 3 passes to bag 6 targets, first two in the middle, then the left two followed by the right in a final overhead pass.

* edit *

Modified cannon impact code to do AOE damage to emulate exploding shells. Anything in a 10 meter radius of each impacting round is subject to damage checks. Each 30mm round is said to be like a grenade going off so small amounts of frag damage are applied.

This greatly improves effectiveness and gunnery.

Realistic delay of explosion sounds I've kept in for now. Coming up next up is the HUD update for weapons.


  1. Wow! Scenery is just breath-taking. I dont know, why it reminded me TFX in next gen. :-) Maybe the colors palette. Great job!

  2. Look good!

    Could you give a link to that Microsoft blog?

  3. Great news third person.I hope that very accelerate work, and release the final version.Thanks for the last picture,fantastic smoke.

  4. The third man is the venerable Mr Naar who's famous HTR software for FSX is also being deployed in FSX add-ons in the near future.

    I'll ask Fred about the MS blog URL if he doesn't post here. He pushed for it and it worked great. Really no trick to it. Put those three technologies together and you can keep yelling "You have control" at each other like pilots while you edit in the same editor and keep local copies of the files. It's quicker than being in the same room and swapping chairs.

    The colours are dependant on time of day.

  5. It was not a link, but a podcast by Scott Hanselman regarding Webmatrix and Sinatra. It really is a funny and efficient way of sharing programming skills... instead of going the subversion way

    I love the screeshots, once you add tree variation (and flight dynamics) it will be fantastic. It will be a proof that even in games, passion CAN beat money...

  6. Thank for the update gallery .Now we have a much better picture how it looks from afar.
    Fred - Can beat and win ,i have no doubt :) I'm glad that you also do not have.

  7. ya the land modeling is looking great.... the smoke rising with the wind is very realistic and looks "just right" Or in the queen's vernacular it would be "spot on"!

    Great work guys!

  8. Cheers Fred.

    I hope it wasn't TOO funny. I really should take more careful notes. It IS a good method in short doses.

    Certainly have some outstanding shaders to sort out, tree variation and normal blending are high up on the list. I don't want to get too hung up on doing the graphics, there's the target tracking and HUD elements to fix up which won't take long. Quite keen to add the rockets too since the warhead variety we have makes for many interesting possibilities.

    All these things coming together at once. It's great :) Really pleased.

  9. If you make the sound of the explosions delay realistically, to simulate sound travel time, then it just looks wrong.

    Funny that.

  10. If I may a little suggestion / tips
    In EECH i test different plumes,and looks FANTASTIC penetrating black smoke and fire.
    Your course also looks great, but maybe something to be useful to you this message
    Two screens for example
    You can try simply lower starting position black smoke to ground level.
