Monday 30 May 2011

Back-end tooling

This week saw some changes to the flight model test bed, fixes for the helmet mounted display, changes to how the mask is positioned to allow for custom sizes and the class for handling FFAR rockets is being added. This last part raised some issues with different warheads doing slightly different kinds of damage and how different objects should reacted to these forms of damage. It was clear the object database file needed population. As much as I love punching in numbers for hours on end (no not really) it made more sense to give the job to someone else.

I finally got off my bottom to start writing some simple C# tools to facilitate content production starting with the vehicle database. Data is stored in a localised development database then exported to the game. There's quite a lot of data to add with regard to crews, sensors (line of sight) and weapons. For now this is enough to get some calculations in for armour penetration which I need to test the different FFAR rocket warheads. Dave expressed an interest in ricochets which is doable since at every impact we know the amount of energy and angle of impact. I'll stop short of thermal damage for now. Most ballistics and armour penetration math comes from (again) Physics for Game Developers which lists some coefficients for common shell sizes. As we want to include asymmetric protection in our simulation, tank armour is weaker at the rear or flanks, we need to express this data as a  coeff modifier in the database.

Mk1 vehicle data editor - 
While building the campaign database it became apparent that connecting maps would be possible with an additional field to index which map each campaign element belongs to (e.g vehicle groups and strategic nodes). It wasn't something I considered as production was focused on a single map. Since maps take so long to hand craft splitting regions into discrete maps wasn't in the design document. Longbow 2 divided up the terrain dataset into a sliding map arrangement which is a bit different. The option should be there to allow us to load in the next map over when crossing a map border (or trigger zone) at the expense of having a long load screen. I'm not going to add this but I will leave open the possibility to go down that route should we want to add DLC to expand existing campaign maps. Ideally we'll end up with a better version of the engine in 12 months time which can stream in additional map data seamlessly.


Game launcher/auto-updater. Need to sort out the server requirements but it shows promise, better than other off-the shelf solutions I've tried. There's news, serial number and other elements to add.


  1. Back-end tooling ... Wasn't that the name of The Village People's 2nd album?

    Looks like a handy tool what language/toolkit did you write it in/use?

  2. C#.NET, nothing fancy. Does the job and I needed to refresh my C#

    I'm not familiar with the Village People's Discography, but in reference to Mst3k, "I used to play bass for a band called Back End Tooling".

  3. Back end tooling, isn't that something used for a colonoscopy?

  4. Want to talk about it,Druid ?;D

  5. Well ... A family member is a surgeon who specialises in this area. A prety shitty job though from what I hear.

  6. Ahh understand, I thought that some more traumatic memories...My brother in law also works in this industry, but perhaps a more pleasant-is a gynecologist.

  7. Blimey, loosing your save-game is a bit much. I take it this happened with the PC version.

    I managed to play through ACII once but then came the DLC which remains mostly untouched. Then there was a second set of DLC levels which I didn't get, then AC:Brotherhood and now this new AC:Revelations. It's too much.

    Gears of War is another game I didn't finish. There's a few games in which I didn't get to see all the content of simply because I wasn't good enough. Does anyone else have this problem? Paying for content you never get to see?

  8. Ubi$hit-most pathetic DRM, I hope that someday go bankrupt by greed.
    Generally hate, and does not recognize the DLC.99% of the available DLC is not worth 1 cent.I can pay for big, sensible additions, not additional armor for apache,sry horse .
    Jeff keeping my fingers crossed!You manage to write this post, believe it.

  9. Flexman In my opinion, for the older players was already everything, and for almost all games you have to be forced in order to finish the game in general.If you add to this lack of time, and no joy from playing, you have a simple answer.
    Today's game are hopeless,simple, short, secondary it is rare pearl, which is surprising.
    That's why we are waiting for Combat Helo,I hope you realize the responsibility, what incumbent upon you ;))
