Monday 26 April 2010

WEP page (advanced)

This is OpenGL, vector based rendered to an offscreen buffer, now with added mipmaps. I'll try and detail the functions of these pages and sub-modes as I go and allow you to submit corrections early on.

The WEP (weapons) MFD page

Pictured below shoing the gun sub-mode. Main feature is the bust limit selector on the left side indicating the number of rounds fired when the pilot commands. The bottom MFD buttons marked GUN, MSL and RKT will switch the weapons and display rounds and options. Stores and gun rounds to add to the display. Will complete tomorrow. The only other notable feature is the ACQ option (R6) to switch the gun aiming between fixed and TADS.

The buttons marked with and arrow above (see top row) are for navigating to different pages. The bottom right button indicates the current page (WEP boxed). Next to that the selected sub mode (GUN boxed).


  1. That looks really nice. Are the buttons mouse clickable?

  2. @Matthew, sorry I can't find the message you were eluding to at SimHQ. Can you PM me again and I'll look out for it.

  3. And yes the buttons are clickable.

  4. Ok the first message was actually an email to the listed address, not a PM. I have sent you a PM so hopefully you receive it now.

  5. Bottom left, mate. Not bottom right :)
