Friday 9 April 2010

Arming almost done

Not convinced this a a great way of arming the Apache. But what we will do I think is provide some quick defaults, option A and option B.

Only the client sees the weapons appear on the ground ready for selection. The crewman loading the weapons clicks the weapon which is then sent to the highlighted pylon. Internally the helicopter entity receives a message to load pylon x with missile y.

To do: Tooltips for the pods to say what they are and I think highlighting the selected pylon might be a good idea.

I can optimise memory usage a little by pre-loading the Apache stores and instancing then missiles which I meant to do earlier. Pre-caching some of these objects will reduce that awful machine lag that occurs when it needs to show a model for the first time.
TrippleHead2Go vision


  1. I love you man;) beautiful project,very fast progress.Thank you for great work.I play hundred hours on gunship 2000, and cant wait for this game;)

  2. Yes, but i hope 2 flight models- easy(very) and realistic- any chance?

  3. There's going to be 2 modes of flying, one best suited for a full HOTAS style setup (cyclic, collective and rudders) with a lot of dynamics and a casual mode you can use with an XBOX360 type of controller.

    The real Apache helicopter is said to fly a bit like flying a conventional airplane once over a certain speed. Quite a nice helicopter to handle. And the current flight model handles low speed dynamics pretty well, I'm still working on those, hitting the right numbers on paper and plugging those into the game is a continuing process.

    Feedback from a really early flight test demo was said to be quite nice. I like it anyway, that may sound biassed but I'm making a game that I would want to play.

    It would make a good console cross-over I think.

  4. I love those pictures with mountains on the background. Great feeling... Everything is perfectly modeled. Nice job.
