Monday 26 April 2010

Dave experiments with pit lighting

The art-gnome at Combat-Helo has been playing with bloom and glow shader materials for the cockpit and came up with instrument night lighting. I thought it was a cool use of extra texture stages and materials with Leadwerks engine, it's an easy effect to add. With additional green point lights around the pit it should look pretty close to the real deal.

Here's a real shot with night lighting. Panel back-lighting and small point lights.


  1. Flex and Dave and everyone....You are Gods! Amazing work! Is there a complete list of people working on this sim?

  2. There's a sound engineer and his troop of voice 'talents'. And possibly someone else who has developed some amazing plug-in flight-model technology that does advanced blade-theory aerodynamics. Still working out the preliminaries on that one.

    If they want to announce themselves they will do so otherwise I respect their privacy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank You, Flex. I understand. Still...You are pack of people with amazing skills. Cant wait for next updates.
