Thursday 17 June 2010

More Apache work

Our Apache received more love today, the cockpit panel textures suffered a little from DDS compression acne. But by increasing the bits-per-pixel to 24 and using DXT1, we get better quality results using a texture half the size as a larger one using 8bpp compressed. And smaller texture memory footprint too. This only works for some textures.

Additionally specular maps were added to the cockpit, now it reacts to light in a much more dynamic way and the scratched glass blast shield and canopy really adds to the sense of enclosure in a cockpit space.

A few major systems are not currently fitted to our Apache, the TADS (or ETADS) was initially removed due to rendering problems. I've re-instated the TADS class and rewrote the rendering function. It's still quite primitive and there's post0processing to add to the tads_buffer as well as overlaying the symbology. As expected the performance hit is around 20% when drawing at full frame-rate. I'll add a frame-skip value to adjust performance for users. The good news is that it's not worse that I thought it would be plus there's still lots I can do to improve performance.

The ETADS display is using the same Fullbright shader as the other MPDs so it's a little overbright. When I'm done it should look the part.

Over the test-map testing the TADS camera.

Rest of the week might be a little quiet as we're rushing to complete the startup and caution/warning system to go with it (keep getting side-tracked and doing other things). The dual-seat multiplayer mode throws up some interesting logic problems with the messaging system when generated messages don't have a source. It has resulted in front-seat controls sending signals to back-seat controls which in turn trigger front-seat controls and so on. This is why messages have a source ID so remote control messages don't trigger a local message transmission thus continuing the cycle. Yes, all I need is a message filter.

Little update***

You have control.


  1. Cockpit is just wow! :-) Looking forward that start up and all those click-clack things working.

  2. Looking really nice. Love the angle difference on the first shot. Gives you the real notion that the camera is placed elsewhere.

  3. We uploaded some new screenshots of the Apache pit to our Facebook page.

  4. Awesome AD.

    I've ironed out some quirks in the TADS cam, was experiencing some strange behavior when TrackIR wasn't connected. Turned out to be the camera local/global co-ordinate conversion which is subtly different with TrackIR active.

    And the demo laptop can run the cockpit with TADS at 40fps, not bad for a 9800GTS. I'm also using frame interleave for TADS which by default is set to 2 (render TADS camera every second frame). And it networks just fine too, that should really speed up netplay development.

    I could use those illumated buttons working again as it's hard to see APU status without.

  5. Damn...Ive already written "WOW" about the first image in this post. What should I write now? Just Double Wow! Do You plan to give players with weaker comps the option to scale the amount of LOD on TADS and MFDs?

  6. Pavel, there will be a number of scalability options. As for the TADS that's literally being worked on. One of the things we can do is drop the LOD of objects in that view. I've already added a frame interleave which works just as well as it does in Black Shark.

    We had an idea for a dynamic detail system that is aware of your alt/speed and adjusts detail/visibility range to suit. We've not tried it yet. Biggest performance saving is reducing the visibility distance.

    I've yet to migrate to the new 3D engine that offers quad-tree and vegetation culling, there will be big gains to the had when we eventually do that. I was having problems with the cockpit picking using it and all the physics objects had to be re-built/exported and I just can't face doing that again right now.

    I just know we're going to get some stick for those bevelled inner corners on the ETADS.

  7. Thank You very much for very detailed question. Keeping my fingers crossed for Your project and Your team to finish this to satisfaction of all, especially You. :-) Thanks again.

  8. Ive meant answer. That english.....damn!

  9. This is really cool! I'm still playing LB2 on a dedicated old computer, always having Flyboy's website at hand :) I accidentily stumbled on Combat Helo and this project, very very promising! There was an airshow over here last weekend, with a big Apache demo (4 Apaches) which made me just google for news on apachesims :)
