Friday 25 June 2010

Drivers again

Seem to be having performance issues with the new nVidia drivers 257.21

I noticed the reported OpenGL version has done up from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
Repeated launching over an hour will sap the frame rate to around 1, yes one. No apparent memory leakage. But other games are fine. Also the editor will remain unaffected unless importing the Apache model where it will sometimes exhibit a black skin.

So there's some combination of factors I need to understand, the current Apache model with it's recent material updates and animated wipers and the new nVidia drivers.

I wouldn't mind so much except it's keeping me of adding new content right now.

I also spawned an LE 2.32 build to test, which on a small map runs 50% faster, on the full sized Afghan theater it actually runs slower. I'm at the point where I'd like to take a shotgun to my PC. The laptop has almost double the performance of my desktop PC which makes no sense, same build, engine and 257.21 drivers.


As an aside, started fleshing out the steerable ETADS. I'm going to put in a visual "beam" for debugging. Also it needs to be horizontally stabilised so when the aircraft rolls the image doesn't. And it needs a ground track mode, together with the field of regard which I'll borrow from the HMS functions.

Smile, you're on ETADS.


  1. Displaying a black skin is odd. My first thought was it's running out of video memory..Usually games display white models when that happens. Although it could be the shaders performing (quite literally) black-magic. The latest Apache is loading a considerable payload of textures so that's probably compounding the issue.

    Large map slow-down might again be the VRAM as we know LE maps suck up big chunks of VRAM due to the various 4096x4096 layers.

    Might want to dig out that tool you mentioned that tells you how much VRAM is in use..Maybe the memory isn't getting scrubbed after exit.

    You aren't online now. Hopefully that means you're chillaxing with a brewskie and not glueing your motherboard back-together again.


  2. The tool I used to monitor VRAM is EVGA Precision. It's telling me I'm using 199mb of VRAM in cockpit. It's just odd that the same runs much better on the laptop and my desktop just degrades over time. It's an OK tool, one of those utilities that will let you blow up a 300 quid graphics card if you decide to play with sliders you don't understand (which I never touch).

    I'm also careful about freeing resources in the reverse order they are allocated. The beer idea sounds good. Good lady Flex bought me a fridge pack of Guinness and euro-Bud.

    On the whole I'm pretty happy with performance on the laptop, it's brilliant, but my desktop, being my dev machine is being an arse which makes work frustrating.

    As I write this reply I'm monitoring mem-usage and FPS and it's all pretty stable. Even got the steerable TADS code started (see update pic).

    What I'm going to do is revert to the 197.45 drivers and see how it goes.

  3. We have CHOCOLATE flavor choc ices. They are downstairs. There is also a large pack of Guiness black stuff gut-rotting fluid and crisps. And Hot Dogs. Therefore, you can other come downstairs and relax and eat and I'm sure the combat-helo community will forgive you for not working your butt off on this project for the first time in longer than I can remember.

    OR ... alternatively you can see if the thing does the same thing on MY computer while I am downstairs eating the choc ices since I won't be using it.

    Signed .. that woman who sits in the corner and plays wow at you.

  4. Choc ices huh? Throw in a Curly-Wurly and some Monster Munch and I'll be in junk food heaven.
