Wednesday 30 June 2010

Additional screens

I updated my work-map today with a more recent one and still in the process of fixing up missing objects. I think I have half of a city missing. The cockpit is now in it's own world space resting at the origin and no longer effected by floating point error, but I did leave in some rotation 'noise' to give the cockpit a vibration effect.

I pushed the tree LOD out a bit more which you might see in the following screens. If you have an uber PC you'll be able to render some really sweet scenes. The ETADS has a temporary green tint because I've not yet added the desaturation filter, it's on the to-do list.

Some of the systems such as the helmet mounted display are not operational as it thinks the power is off. I only just found the ground radar mode from September. It's amazing some of the things you forget you added.

One day soon there's going to be ZSUs in those tree-lines.

I'm missing a chunk of city here. There should be rows of stores and back alleyways around the urban compounds. I have the models installed so I don't know what's going on yet, I suspect they are missing from the SBX.

Gets awful lonely out in the plains. Stopped for a photo-op.

With the cockpit rendering modification almost complete it's back to core systems.


  1. Man, I want to fly this really badly! First shot is breath-taking. Beautiful! Finally, someone who also take into consideration the vibrations inside cockpit. is included in Blackshark as well, but still.... *and one day soon, there will also be a big hole in the ground, formerly being ZSU* :-))

  2. I forgot to ask one thing.......looking at last two it also possible to just land anywhere and get off the chopper to stretch the legs? :-o

  3. Yes you can land anywhere, get in/out. Jump in a different chopper.

  4. Thats cool! Again...I must say, You are making my dreams true by Your sim. I think people will sometimes fly this sim only for pleasure of flying and walking. :-)

  5. I'm reading Apache Dawn and I find it hard NOT relate stuff I read with some of the screenshots you have posted here.

    Great read.
