Monday 5 October 2009

Working radar alt and T72 progress

The radar altimeter is now fitted and working. The analog bar is removed above 200ft AGL, over 1420 ft AGL the primary altimeter is barometric. Rate of climb and true forward airspeed indications also operating.

Also added the Stinger and rocket I bar to the list of weapon modes. Data for the HUD comes can be accepted from any vehicle, the source can be local or external for network play modes. Multiplayer will be handled by the tried and tested RakNet library which I used before in earlier Combat-Helo tests.

This weekend saw a lot of work, an update to the 3D engine can cause a few problems but it went without a hitch. The update included underwater caustics, some performance updates and a few fixes.

I addition to upgrading the engine, the second terrain demo was completed in the early hours of this morning, email has been sent to those authorised to view it. It features new 3D content, and speaking of content. David's beer account has increased enormously with his tireless efforts to build all the required game objects and vehicles.

His latest, the T72, was started less than 48 hours ago and is now pictured on the right. For a size comparison with the M1A1 see the picture below it.

Iranian camo schemes seem to vary, during research David has identified four so far. Expect a feature on his work soon.

That's it for this weekend. More progress reports during the week.

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