Wednesday 28 October 2009

Scripting for combat

Struggling to find a suitable introduction for new WO pilots in the region, it has to impart some information, set a scene, give you some clue as to further action. And do that in around a minute.

Assuming you've completed the tutorial flight and done the walkaround, listening to your mentor with the mid-Texan drawl. It's time to spawn your new career pilot in the game world.

"Welcome to the sweat box pilot. We have laundry and air-con now so it’s not as bad as used to be. The NAAFI shop is right over there, your bunk is in there and the en-suite facilities right over there. You can’t miss ‘em. The o-club you can find for yourself but it’s not always open.

Air-power out here is vital, it is a hostile environment.

We get mortared daily. It’s not a matter of if we make contact but when. When we do come under fire, take cover as best you can, make your way to the command tent and await instruction. Our birds are kept ready and so should you. I recommend you get some sleep when you get a chance; it’s the one luxury we can’t fly in.

Get to know your way around the base and I’ll catch you later."

Currently scripting for 5 roles:

  • ATC
  • FAC
  • PILOT#1
  • PILOT#2
As I was writing for the crewmen, it struck me how similar it sounded to another helicopter game when I released that I helped script that one too. I don't think it counts as plagiarism is you copy from yourself?

I'd love to add more story elements for some scripted missions but I don't think we have the resources to do that. I'm not sure we have the resources for the above. It seems like a huge effort. If we can pull it off, it will sound fantastic.

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