Saturday 31 October 2009

TrackIR now working

TrackIR now works in Combat-Helo. Hooray. The screen-shot below shows the raw output. Other things I added, TADS turret tracking of head position. When we get our working Apache model, the PNVS will be slaved to the pilot head position etc. But I'm glad this is now working, the 'fix' was simple as it happens, I was initialising the DLL before the window was created. The TrackIR wrapper needs a handle to the window.

The region around Herat has some reasonably good SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography) available. I've imported some of this (again shown in screen above) to get a sense of scale. The boxed area in the image below shows a 40x40km area, one map 'page' of our AO centred on east Herat. The border with Iran is to the west. Kabul is along the narrowing valley that runs east and is the main supply route for the region.

David the robot modeller has been building ZU-23-2s. He felt one wasn't enough. So he built a whole family. All of these are based on actual mounts.

The Toyota mounted ZU-23 close up...

And the real deal...

I bet you have more respect for Toyota trucks now. Speaking of Toyotas...we have a whole family ready for deployment in the region...

As well as a number of Safir, the Iranian clone of the classic Jeep.

Nice one David.

Updates are in-frequent this week and the next. Busy schedule combined with research and documentation, researching audio elements and mechanical systems means little hands-on programming is done.


  1. These models are fantastic. You're doing an absolute great job. I'll be interested whenever you get a demo going (alpha, beta, doesn't matter to me).

  2. David the modeller is really good and knows his subject. It's a real pleasure to work with him, makes the process so much easier.

    Just waiting for LE 2.3 as there's a lot of things I want to add before the next alpha release. The last build didn't even have the HUD in it.
