Bored with writing XML code and needing to add missing commands to the master command list so I can complete the default/new install player code. Self review day. This is going over my feature list and checking what's implemented against my much reduced feature list. Sometimes there's a gulf between what I remember I did and what's working correctly. Also a good thing to do on a Monday.
I came across a couple of things I missed...
I came across a couple of things I missed...
- FCR now tied to Main Bus Electrical circuit (won't operate unless powered)
- FCR Burst Mode added
- Current sweep angles assigned to Avionic.ScanVolume
- Hot keys for setting scan volume (INS,HOME,DEL,END)
Wide, Medium, Narrow, Zoom (accurate terms? on stick marked as WMNZ) - Changing scan volume resets the active sweep.
- Commands for FCR and TADS should no longer interfere with each other.
- PGUP puts commands into TADS operation mode
- PGDN commands operate FCR
And all FCR/TADS commands are now transmitted to the Avionics class via the message queue. Of which there are many.
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Air Surveillance Mode logic added |
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Alternate Sensor Bearing shows where the other crewman's sensors is pointing on the heading tape. |
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Now with added "buttcheeks" (FCR centreline sized large enough to see) |
Air search mode completed.
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Finally got the colour correct and track count added top right |
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New MFD buffer export shows image is offset slightly |
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Missing FOR added, looks a bit better |
There's supposed to be a way to rotate or offset the scan volume, in LB2 this rotated the wedge. Currently is locked down the centreline. In burst mode the scan line (opps...drawn in default white in this image), makes a single sweep cycle (left/right). And I also missed the call to the field of regard box at the bottom which I'll fix now.
A chunk of fixes today and more things I can now tick off. Air Search and the offset track should be completed tonight leaving the TADS to go over tomorrow and that will be pretty much all the sensor buttons and functions done.
Things are really shaping up! Great looking radar, I'm eager to play with it (as well as the rest of the game, of course).
ReplyDeleteI'll get the darn colours right eventually. It was correct in the first shot apparently. Not a big deal.
ReplyDeleteFinished the air track mode today. Keep finding little bits and bobs that don't work as they should.
Radar elevation is stuck in AUTO and doesn't do anything yet. Pitch up high and you loose your contacts. Little things like that I have to leave.
I recommend expanding the FOR box just a tad. Scan sizes are correct Wide Medium Narrow Zoom... When the active sight is not FCR, it can be used in Air Surveillance Mode, have you looked into that?
ReplyDeleteUg, the FOR box is the same one used on the TADS page which is scaled for the TEDAC screen.
ReplyDeleteAir Surveillance Mode, totally forgot about it. That's an active scan yes?
Currently you can set the FCR to ATM and select continuous scan then switch to operating the TADS and keep the FCR page open.
Does that pretty much cover the basics?
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ReplyDeleteAs you've spotted there's a couple of items missing from the heading tape which are waiting for my second pass on the whole HMD and the secondary tape.
ReplyDeleteKeep shouting them out in case I miss 'em. Cheers.
OH. quick question, the the FCR sensor bearing just indicates the offset? Or does it sweep back and forth to match the indicted sweep angle on the FCR page?
ReplyDeleteIn earlier games it was set to sweep back and forth under the heading tape but never found out if that was how it worked on the new blocks.
The more I read about this sim the more it looks like a study sim ;) I remember reading somewhere that you weren't trying to make a "DCS" style game, with click-able switches and such, but the amount of detail you're putting into everything is staggering. Have you changed your mind on how much realism you're actually going for?
ReplyDeleteYou have to understand that I tend to understate things, it's my nature.
ReplyDeleteC-Helo always was a study sim. A study sim has code and research dedicated to representing a single aircraft, that's all. DCS games can be regarded as study sims but are a special case in that they are also created for non consumer markets (non entertainment purposes).
We're definitely about entertainment. We don't have expertease, funding or desire to deliver a mil-spec product. We'd be here five years from now if we did, it requires contractor status and more man-power than we could afford.
Our aim has been pretty consistent, deliver an authentic experience as compelling and as much longevity as Janes Longbow 2 with modern improvements. A small team can create a simulation from scratch that doesn't have to be over the top hard or a watered down experience with the right team, focus and tools. Well two out of three isn't bad.
At least I hope that's where we're going. It might all be a disaster and everyone will hate it but at least we tried.
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ReplyDeleteCheers WAH64
ReplyDeleteRich, Air surveillance mode is a continuous independent scan, used in conjunction with C-scope on HMD to indicate other traffic in the air. It doesn't determine a NTS, it is not a targeting mode. It is pretty much for SA. Also if you are sight selected in FCR/ATM and switch to TADS, now your sight is TADS and FCR will not operate. Scanned targets will remain in the FCR footprint but scan will cease.
ReplyDeleteAlso newer block aircraft has a "MTI ONLY" option on FCR Page... Those are fine details though...
Rich, were you also asking how to point the FCR to where you want it to scan?
ReplyDeleteI'm making changes to fix up how I understand it works now.
ReplyDeleteI didn't appreciate that when the FCR was active the footprint as you call it froze. It's different to how I implemented it which was much like the TSD. It's all making sense now, years of playing other games have made it (for me) counter intuitive.
What I'm going to do is tie a realism setting to the FCR so it will also operate as an intuitive 'game' style wedge.
Air Search Mode sounds like a flight safety feature. Playing LB2 co-op many many years ago that's how we'd divide up duties, CPG heads-down with the pilot monitoring for air contacts.
What I'm going to do is finish working on all this FCR stuff now otherwise I'll have to re-read all this stuff later.
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ReplyDeleteYes, ASM (Air Surveillance Mode) is not ATM. That's how its now coded to operate.
ReplyDeleteAir Surv mode is only available if the FCR is not the selected sight by either crewmen.
The only awkward thing about it was the MPD button code. It only allows single line boxed buttons. Had make a new type of button for it.