Monday 5 September 2011

Back to school

(Hmm, not sure I like the new blogger editor, but anyway)

A quick post about what we've been up to this weekend.

I've added some shader effects for the GUI, drawing focus to active elements on screen. Nothing fancy. The joystick / command editor has been fixed in stone, too late to redesign it but it does contain 4 panels (yes a whopping 4 separate pages).

  • Quick start with major control axis shown as an active display
  • Command list by category
  • Axis control per device
  • Special

The special page is for any joysticks we add OEM support for. Currently we plan to add special support for Saitek LCDs on the X52 Pro and Logitech G940. The cockpit database contains a list of lamps which can be mapped to the G940 indicators, I'll be adding a similar list for some digital values such as torque settings for output to the X52 Pro.

Other hardware will be added when I get units I can tinker with.

This is the last of the major "end-user" areas apart from the mission preview panel.

The config file had more user options added to it.


The FCR is updating the TSD but I'm not sure if the TSD tracks should fade over time. I will be adding the next to shoot symbology shortly.

I need to fix the DAY/NIGHT settings on the MFDs (brightness works, but the all green mode doesn't).

CH-47 Chinook

AD is back in the CH-47 cockpit with detail on canopy frame and foot controls. We aim to have around 64k polys for our interiors with materials batched efficiently for real-time performance.

The CH-47 presents a bit of a challenge in that it's intended to be a portalised object or POB. Meaning you'll be able to walk from the outside into a detailed cockpit interior and hopefully you won't notice much of a transition.

Force Trim

I had a stab at programming this a few weeks back and I haven't found a method that works in DirectX. There doesn't seem to be a mechanism for setting the centre unless I'm missing something obvious. I don't know how Eagle Dynamics accomplished this with Black Shark. The only effect I tried was applying a constant-force with a magnitude calculated to keep the stick in a fixed position. Since you're not supposed to send force commands too quickly in case it makes the hardware overheat (according to Microsoft's documentation) I was reluctant to increase the stick updates.

I really need to talk to someone who knows about FF joystick programming to get force-trim working properly.

Operation Kickstart

This is the working title for the firing range since we didn't have a handy name for it. Since then I've had a couple of pretty nice suggestions, my favourites being, "Combat-Helo: Nickel Ride*" or simply "Combat-Helo: Gunnery".

*Nickel ride being the name given to a WOC Warrant Officer Candidate's first flight.

That's all for now.


  1. Hmm,
    "Combat-Helo: Nickel Ride*": Would be cool because the reference to RL. I somewhat like names unkown to me and later find out that it have a "special" meaning.

    "Combat-Helo: Gunnery": It´s simple and descibes exactly what it`s about, though it`s boring.

    What about "Combat Helo: Boot Camp"? Na, I´m not that creative.

  2. the chinook is looking very professional and generally wreaks of awesomeness AD. I would say make an entrance transition like ARMA2 does when you get in their birds.... fade to black, door clicky sound, beautiful pit to behold! (AD's pit not ARMA's)

    I almost enlisted as a FWO in 1980 and I would think that "nickel ride" would be worth at least a buck-two-eighty LOL.

    A cool name would be a nice touch to your first release... Im thinking something a bit irreverent (because you guys are indies).... some ideas off the top of my rapidly balding head...

    CombatHelo: [Operation] first light
    CombatHelo: die EA!
    CombatHelo: Inception
    CombatHelo: UbiSoft is Satan
    CombatHelo: Standard Bearer
    CombatHelo: Guns and Nickels
    CombatHelo: Red Maserati

  3. The fade to black on boarding is how we do it for the Apache, it masks the transition from moving/loading the player between the low and high models.

    I'm trying to mod our vehicle system to allow for boarding via the ramp and manning door-guns or be a load operator.

    It might not work as well as intended, my back-up plan is to keep the cockpit access the same as the Apache; lock off access and keep the fade transition. It needs to be portalised more for the physics, we'll see how it goes.

    We'll be using the same lower poly interior for the crew/cargo area probably. The door guns will need a bit of love.

    So long as I can practice golf swing from the back of the Chinook I'll be happy.

  4. Oh, Gunnery! Is less boring with an exclamation mark don't you think?

    Imagine what it would be like with THREE!!!

  5. why flex, Id make a bet it would be... 3 times as good?

  6. 3 times as good, my PC would explode at the awesomeness.

    Just looking at the vote that's going on at the top of the blog here. It's been a straight 70% for the OH-58. Clearly there's a bit more love for the tactical helo unless it's a conspiracy.

  7. Whatever name we choose we really need to stick to including 'Operation' so that we can create silly acronyms.

    Choks - CH: Operation Kickstart
    Choo - CH: Operation Ouroborus
    Chop - CH: Operation Pegasus

    Can anyone think of any good titles for these acronyms?


    Or moving away from 'Operation'



  8. strange, when i tried to preorder, it took me to a page where i have to verify my email address :-)
    oh well, i'm sure it will be fixed in a day or two, right Flex?

  9. That's a joke right? For the record everyone, we don't have anything up for taking pre-orders YET.

  10. didn't mean to stir up a hornet's nest but my wallet is itching me man!!

  11. some silly ideas for AD:

    CHAP - CH: Arctic Patrol
    CHORE - CH: Operation Rockets Everytime
    CHEERS - CH: Everything Else Really Sucks

  12. Or maybe...
    Combat Helo: Theres 3 trucks and 1 building and YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE IT!!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. FCR/RFI targets will remain on TSD and won't fade away until a fresh scan is made and/or target environment changed... TSD FCR targets will also change when a FCR tgt report is received from another aircraft on the same Longbow net.

  15. ASE/RFI tgts will remain initially on the TSD/ASE/FCR page at full intensity, after a period, Dependant on what generated the symbolagy they will first fade to half intensity and then disappear all together.

    FCR tgts will remain until either a fresh scan starts, an RFHO or FCR tgt data is received or if the FCR tgt buffer is emptied by selecting another FCR mode.

    Very impressive sim,very realistic for a company that is using open source only, looks like it could give ATIL's sim a run for it's money .

  16. Thanks for the info on the symbology longevity. It was one of those things that I always wondered about from Janes Longbow 2 days.

    I did a lot of research for other helo simulation games, symbology and manuals and mission editor tools, spanning ten years now? 1996? So nearer 15 years (yikes).

    Keeping a dev blog helps a great deal, if I guess wrong or ask there's a chance someone who knows better will put me right if they are able to. Public data is a little rough but good enough for our game. Some contractors that sell modules will have a screen-shot or brochure which we can grab. The TEDAC was funny as the early photos published on the web we badly Photoshoped.

    I had no idea what ATIL was until I just Googled it, now I feel embarrassed. Looks like they have all the nice toys. As a company we probably would qualify for ISO -1.

    We're still just a game and like all games, mostly smoke and mirrors. If it looks like a radar, operates like a radar then it probably is a radar although I imagine a mil-spec sim is much more sophisticated that a few line of sight calcs and a bunch of arrays.

    Hopefully we can deliver a fun but also authentic experience of the responsibility being in command of these machines.
