Wednesday 14 September 2011

More Franck Shader Magic - Cone Step Mapping

A short update tonight. Franck released his conversion of the Cone Step Mapping shader. Now I hadn't heard of this one until he mentioned it. I'd seen POM or Parallax Occlusion Mapping which at first glance this looks very much like it.

This is a flat object with a texture that casts shadows. It uses a pre-computed map and much faster than POM. This is shadows sans geometry. It's pretty amazing actually. I don't have an immediate use for it in out game but I can think of a few areas I wouldn't mind trying it out. Such as the runway border regions and the quilted Chinook interior. Will do some tests in the coming days.

Screenshot from Franck's demo scene

I've been rounding out more mundane GUI code. The artistic concept was to try and capture a 'systems' feel, like that of the fuel system MPD screen with interconnecting lines showing option paths instead of fuel flow. I'm not convinced it works aesthetically but it does the job. Anyway, if you have a hard time with the options screen then heaven help you in the cockpit. I tried to stay away from a full MPD look which was used in GUNSHIP! and I think Longbow 2. Green didn't look so great, orange is our title colour so it had to be orange and something else which is GUI_BLUE. Note the "special tab", you'll only see that with some hardware attached.

AD has been working real hard on the Chinook control panels. He's finding that the texture map is too small to bring out text details which will probably mean breaking it down into more textures. The Chinook is looking like it will be way more detailed and use more textures than the Apache. It could quite possibly be the single worst helicopter we could have chosen in terms of detail and technical difficulty.


Using panel drawings as a template mapped to the cockpit consoles. This provides a guide for placement of labels and switches. A most labour intensive task is taking groups of these controls and baking ambient shadows for every single switch onto the panels.

Digital sets like the one with the keyboard below will require an extended version of the TComputer class so it will have a display buffer and can send and receive messages from other parts of the helicopter. Of course it helps to know what the hell it is first :)

Officers Mess

A demo for Ace Combat Assault Horizon appeared today on Playstation Network. I was crestfallen at how awful the Apache was treated. Lovely visuals, but barrel rolls from a hover to evade missiles? I almost cried. As far as my console gaming habits are concerned, this is lined up to be the biggest disappointment of the year just behind Test Drive Unlimited 2.

And finally, I tweeted this earlier but my local airport has some pretty violent cross-winds. We caught the back end of the Hurricane which hit the US east coast and yesterday I hear the unusual sound of turbines screaming instead of the usual reverser roar.

Great fun. Should have been on my flight when the pilot was doing S bends on landing.


  1. Cows on second screen ROTFLMAO :D
    Very nice layout, kinda like the Zune theme for windows.

  2. Flexman, don't worry about the Chinook, it's really looking awesome! I really can't wait to make some troop insertions and extractions with the Chinook in Combat Helo.

    I didn't notice the cows on the back in the controller interface, that's really funny inded :)
    Yes, the controller GUI look more than good to me. Good job!

  3. Well the thing about the cows, that was pure chance. At the pre-launch menu the background picks and object every 8 seconds or so and does a 'drone orbit'. By chance it was looking at cows when I hit CTRL F12 for the screenshot.

  4. Interesting view that one. From what I see it's similar to a view that exists in EECH where the camera moves in a "more or less" random way between all objects what are present in the map, is this correct?

  5. Yes that's correct.

    It was originally 'fixed' to provide an overhead view of your current base (think LB2 base menu) but because our bases are spread out (they are not drawn to work as a menu) it didn't work out too well. So a quick to code alternative was this Predator drone orbit cam around objects of interest. It even switches to FLIR mode when it gets dark. So it worked out better I think.

    I also tried putting some drone HUD symbology borrowed from the Apache functions but it just cluttered up the interface.

    If I wanted to do that I'd have to re-design the menus so they looks like it's part of a drone HUD. But it's not a game about drones.

    The important thing is that it (should) work across all resolutions and strange monitor arrangements without loosing anything off the edge. Is themed to the game and easy to get to what you need without have to drop out of the game or reload.

    WITH ONE EXCEPTION - Changing the screen resolution. The 3D engine requires it dumps everything before releasing the graphics context and re-initialising it for a different res. That will have to be one of those "changes applied on next time you launch the game". Can't do much about that.

  6. At this point, is available only one pattern

  7. You should have that one made up, it's rather good.

    Could we run with the "No Cow" logo with the tag line, "Moo You Gonna Call?"

    Thanks for the chuckle.

  8. very good idea about laying the instrument & switches backgrounds down.

    As far as anything being even slightly realistic for a "thumb box" what did you really expect? It never ceases to amaze me how all of the game makers for those shitty things ruined every single game they ever made for them.

    "Moo Ya Gonna Call!!!"

    BTW, my personal longbow ( I stole one last year from a base near me) can actually do a barrel roll from a hover... you know, to evade SAMs. LOL.

  9. LoL! Banita, great T-Shirt "pattern"

  10. We'll get something sorted out soon.
    My kids love the cow. Where is cow from?

  11. Hmm you ask me, or in general? ;)
    These cows in CH is a great idea, and grateful about the jokes.
    My last proposal, I know I know, 5 minutes in Paint.

    Maybe.... Combat Helo:Operation Mad Cow ?

  12. I love the first one banita... ties into a south park sort of irreverent thing.
