Monday 19 September 2011

Lip light

It's early morning and I've not had chance to get much visual work done. Lot of tedious read/writing of XML data but nothing photogenic.

One problem I have testing during the night is doing startups. There are hot-keys for instruments (CTRL I toggles all interior light stations in a flight ready mode) however the lighting panel located by the left hip is near impossible to see.

A SimHQ post pointed me at something unrelated (ground fire acoustic acquisition system)  and something I'd heard mentioned before in passing but didn't twig. The mic mounted lip light.

Lip light - 3 bright green LEDs

Activated by a capacitor switch with the upper lip or tongue on the back of the unit.

Writing this blog entry took longer than the implementation. Here's some pics to illustrate my guesstimation of cone angle and colour (I'm told my first colour was too blue-green so here's a more yellow-green that matches the above photo better). The yellow-green mixes with the existing instrument lighting to produce another green. Still a long way off from making "purest green" (Blackadder ref.).

Where are my keys?

With instrument lights, two shades of green

Lighting panel, left hip

So that's lip lights added. Next.


  1. Hmmm... now where are those keys??? LOL.

    thats a good solution to a need... the "Lip Light" from Ronco... order now and we'll send you a free smokeless ashtray AND a pocket fisherman.

  2. Lip light is a GO! Now if you can do the reflection of the lip light from the TEDAC screen :)

  3. Hey we got something right. Great second try.

    Yeah, I was looking at the lack of reflection on that screen thinking how the hell could we do that easily. (I can feel Dave going "oh no you don't buster") I know you're joking but the funny thing is, the brain expects to see it and you notice the absence.

    Ideally we'd put in "real-time reflections" which we can do but it would be a major fps hit, only wonder-rigs would pull it off.

    One for the belated gravy list.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. TEDAC reflection was my cue to turn it off to be honest :) Sometimes I would forget it ON right after take off, still not completely adjusted to dark, although naturally it becomes more noticeable at the end of the flight of course... The utility light WAH64 mentioned has a bluish/green color to it under green filter similar to flood lighting. I'd used it pointing to power levers during lockout training at night.

  6. You can do the reflection off of TEDAC as a graphical option I guess.
