Tuesday 20 September 2011

CH-47D Overhead Panel Complete

Dome light fixture, fist pass on panel illumination


  1. What a good birthday present this picture is for me ;)
    That panel really looks great, even better than the ones seen in FSX aircraft.

  2. I suppose "happy birthday" is warranted then.

    Dave has got rather good at it but sure does takes its toll :(

    He built this in a week. Once he adds the lighting it should look pretty amazing at night. That's a real-time engine shot, not a static render btw.

    We're talking about putting in some dash mounted GPS as a player aid.

  3. Thanks Flexman

    Regarding the Chinook, just can't wait to play with it in Combat-Helo

  4. AD, thats pretty amazing how fast you've done this... and it look really great.

  5. Fantastic work!
    Can you answer yet what we´re able to do with it, when it will release? Are we able to sling load stuff to i.e. FARPS?

  6. Hi.

    Im again watching Your progress for some time and You will never stop to amaze me. You should make 3-D cockpits for other sims. Really....simply outstanding work!

  7. Sling operations yes, we have a removable floor hatch for gazing down at loads. It's one area where we can have some fun with physics.

    Outpost supply will be among the new mission types available with this add-on. It has to have some consequence in the game. If we're adding heavy loads we can reflect that in the garrison supply or even allow outpost construction as a means to give players some strategic command.

    But it shouldn't be "take this big box here" for the sake of doing it and score 5,000 extra points.

    There should be some risk factor too.

  8. Oh man, awesome! Hurry up with the T-Shirts. I really want to support you on the financial part to. :-)

  9. The cows are not being co-operative. As soon as we have valid cow.

  10. I'm already imagining what would be the "risk factors" for the Chinook Sling operations:

    -> Taliban with AKs
    -> Taliban with Lee Enfields
    -> Taliban with PKs
    -> Taliban with RPGs
    -> Taliban with SA-7 Strela MANPADS
    -> Taliban with static heavy machine guns
    -> Taliban with slingshot
    -> Taliban with anything "balistic" in his hands

    And so on...

  11. Yoy REALLY like the list lol :)

  12. Hey Flex, I commented before on a different post (unknown) and was asking about the realism you are going for, etc.

    Even though you say you're going for a different audience initially (ie. not a government contract) I feel as though it's turning into that kind of mil-spec project. At least, for attention to detail, and that's what it sounds like coming from somebody that knows nothing about how a AH-64 actually operates. Also, PLEASE, take this as a compliment. The more thought you put into systems, 3D cockpits, The lip light!, the more I'll get sucked into this game. I don't follow a lot of games before they're released but you've got my attention, as I'm sure you've got others as well.

    You mention LB2 a lot, that was actually the first sim I played and the one that got me into sims in the first place. I loved how you actually felt like you were a part of the war effort, and what you did every mission mattered, something DCS series lacks. I can see in that sense it was designed purely for accurately modeled systems, training, etc.

    Anyway, keep up whatever you're doing and it looks and sounds like it'll be a hit. I know for one that you have the attention of just about all the DCS fans out there as well, reading the forums.

    Take care!

  13. After reading my post again I'm not sure it came out quite how I wanted it.. haha. I'm great with grammar as you can see.

    But I basically wanted to say in the beginning that it looks like an enormous amount of detail is being put into this sim. I happen to think that is a great thing. That's all ;)

  14. On behalf of AD and myself, we appreciate the kind words of support.

    I have no idea if Combat-Helo will be a hit. This blog gets a steady number of hits on a daily basis so I'm optimistic there's enough interest. I hope we can deliver everything we set out to do, eventually.

    Microprose was co-founded by one of the best game designers on the planet (Sid Meier). It's no coincidence that there sims were fun to play.

    By giving purpose and consequence to actions and removing as much 'down time' to maintain pace I think at least we can demonstrate how you can make them better in that regard.

    You'll be flying wounded in this CH-47, your response time could be difference between life and death. Several mobile medical facilities will be available and standing by, some better equipped than others. Another call comes in, another casevac that will take you ten mins to detour. What do you do?

  15. That looks fantastic, I'm really excited about CH.

    If you have any questions or need information about the 47D please feel free to ask anything, no matter how insignificant.

    I've recently changed jobs but previously flew the 47D including deployments to Afg.

    - Bear

  16. The flying wounded mission idea is really an awesome idea. It reminds me of a combination of Search and Rescue sims with SimCopter merged with the combat enviourment and more realistic sim nature of Combat-Helo.
    This is not only awesome because it's a great idea but also is gives us simmers experiences/gameplay in a helicopter combat sim that aren't ONLY centered exclusively around gunship helicopters.

  17. Yeah, it's an incredibly important workhorse.

    For most troops out there that ramp in the back is the road in and the road out. It's a little unfair that the Apache gets the spotlight in the same way that the Spitfire became the icon of the Battle of Britain. The Chinook taking the place of the Hawker Hurricane despite being greater in number.

    New helo, new mission profiles and new multiplayer possibilities. Going to be quite an add-on. I don't think we'll be able to top it.

    Personally I'm quite looking forward to doing the two six barrel M134 Miniguns at either side, making things spew fire and go boom is always a ton of fun to do.

  18. It actually sounds great.
    Btw per month comes out Take on I'm very curious how it will look like, promises to be a very good simulator.

  19. Bear,

    If you get the time could you shoot me an email:

    davidh AT tricubicstudios DOT com

    I have about half a dozen questions and a couple of images displaying items that we haven't been able to identify. Thanks for any help.


  20. I just can't wait to use those side mounted Miniguns (and also don't forget the rear ramp mounted M240 machine gun) against the:

    -> Taliban with AKs
    -> Taliban with Lee Enfields
    -> Taliban with PKs
    -> Taliban with RPGs
    -> Taliban with SA-7 Strela MANPADS
    -> Taliban with static heavy machine guns
    -> Taliban with slingshot
    -> Taliban with anything "balistic" in his hands

    And so on...

