Sunday 11 September 2011

FXAA 3.11

Franck Poulain completed his conversion of Timothy Lottes FAXX shader for Leadwerks Engine 2, this brings it up to the same version that I understand is used in Battlefield 3.0.

I've been looking over the firing range with the new full-screen anti-alias shader to see if there are any visual artefacts or performance problems and so far it seems to work great.

Showing solidarity in flag form on this day
Looking over some vertical structures you can see some interference patterns but these are related to cascaded shadow maps.

Apache avionics are not initialised until required
hence the blank displays. One to fix later.
Edges around the canopy look better. The cockpit interior still does not have post processing effects applied but would probably benefit from FXAA, I think the performance improvement would justify a user graphics option to enable cockpit post effects.

Performance hit seems quite small at these windowed resolutions. It's well optimised as it needs to be for consoles which are a few years behind now.

So thanks to Tim at nVidia for publishing the original work and Franck for making the conversion available to the the whole Leadwerks community.

Now if only we can get some pseudo volumetric smoke and the tree LOD transitions smoothed out some more.


  1. graphics look superb, would there be an option to adjust terrain details! was the setting set to low on the terrain mainly the runway on one of the photos?

  2. we're going to be pumping out some nice screenshots with DOF and all the trimmings for the "CH unaware" public.

  3. The mip-maps were one of the things that called my attention too when looking at this morning screen-shots.

    The mip-maps wash out way to early. They are nearly all auto-generated during export so they don't get any special attention.

    Something that needs looking at. The narrow FOV and low angle I used in some of the screen-shots also exaggerates the effect.

  4. you mean like on the tank cannon?
