Tuesday 26 July 2011

Manuals, key bindings and more

Organising the key bindings and adding missing functions. Adding these to the game manual as I go. Six down, about 100 to go....*sigh*

*update* Now up to about item 30 in the command list, new combos and logic for snapping to MPDs and back again. Much smoother and logical command key flow. Shneiderman's Golden Rules of Interface design serve as helpful guidelines for putting together any kind of software interface. The main ones being reduce short term memory load (by chunking), consistency in command grouping and short-cuts for advanced users.

The vehicle database is now being loaded, still to do, put in db lookups where needed (during damage updates and effect triggers). I'll finish that in the morning and hopefully we'll have the structures database ready to include soon after. That will stop things like barns and roads exploding. I promised a video of some pyrotechnics and this will go some way to make it a bit more logical. No video till I'm done with this weeks job schedule, also I want to do a more cinematic weapon cam.

Headtracking with padlock view is quite a powerful way of gunning targets, look at an object, hit padlock, line up as required and rain down some 30mm till either you overshoot or the target is destroyed.


  1. Progress you guys make sounds good. Can`t wait to shoot the gun in padlock view! :-)
    Have you tried multiplayer yet, or is it something for very later after all features are ready?

  2. Not spending any more time on multi-player till after the firing range is out the door. We'll want to introduce MP for testing and sort out the gremlins before the Herat campaign is released.

  3. Hey Flex... Is your Head Glowing reddish/orange or more bluish/white from all the work its doing?

  4. Flex, does that mean that shared cockpit via MP will not be available for the firing range? :-/

  5. MP won't be in the firing range release, not untill later. All upgrades will of course be available and retroactively applied. The firing range is a way folks can help support continuing work, give them something to play for early access.

  6. EagleEye[GER]-->there is nothing to complain, I'd like see this simulator certainly appeared this year.And you enjoy if it be.

  7. I don't think he's complaining, just disappointed as that particular information was not made clear although it has been mentioned, such details can get lost in a sea of bloggertary.

    Probably won't have to wait too long. I don't want to have to deal with bug fixing systems AND multiplayer at the same time.

  8. What's likely going to happen is that I'll have to change the update phase of something and that will require some changes in the MP sync. I'd rather not have to deal with both at the same time. Simple as that.

  9. The priority is a stable not bugged single-player,
    If this will be done you can think about MP;)
    No one will immediately flew multiplayer, you have to learn to play, and operate the avionics.

  10. @Flex: I understand that you don`t want to deal with SP und MP same time. I´m fine with that decision.
    @Banita: Our squadron will immediately fly multiplayer to learn the systems together. Really we started playing DCS:BS and A-10C in multiplayer. It`s awesome to make first steps together. There is currently no alternativ heli sim where 2 can share the cockpit(Arma is nice but...).

  11. There is no and will not be alternatives for the next 10 years;) CH will rule .
    The dynamic campaign is amazing, now i play EECH,
    and a one mission go 5 time, every time something else happens and surprises me.That has not and will not be in dcs :(
    Btw multiplayer must be amazing in all DCS , but without freetrack / TrackIR do not make sense.
    I thought about doing freetrack, but I fear that IR radiation has a bad effect on the eyes, nowhere on this issue is not specific data: (

  12. please take my money already, when do we expect the first version of this game?
