Thursday 28 July 2011

Quick update

I added ADs new vehicle database, he added some fields which will be great to use later. Some of the effects didn't scale correctly when using the data so I'm in a process of tweaking the effect elements as I come across them.

And just this minute I took delivery of the structures database so will begin adding that now. Buildings will have to collapse into a lot of dust and smoke, not so much fire. We have some rubble models that I'll try and blend in with the building destruction.



    just in case you need a quick fix.

    As an old Tron fan myself, someone bought me the Playstation Tron game. After a few hours of trying 200 (ok maybe it was less) different button combos on the Joypad to achieve a particular move, I gave up. Great graphics though.

  2. The recent console TRON Legacy movie tie-in game was frustratingly let down by the control system. So don't feel too bad about it.

  3. Oh don't worry, I have 2 kids and between us we can work some thigs out. I just need a bigger Playstation controller because there's not enough room for 3 pairs of hands on it at the same time.
