Wednesday 20 July 2011

Player profiles

Following on the work to add more of the elementary game components, player profile data is loaded at launch. This stores career values like:

  • Name
  • Rank
  • Squad patch
  • Last map loaded.
  • Flight time
Not much else yet. Tomorrow I'll finish off the kill counts, score etc. That needs to go into the class dealing with weapons fire I think, need to chew on that. My early diagram says player kills are registered post flight as part of the mission debrief but it's possible for the player to avoid the debrief in an open ended environment.

I stole eight US division patches (1st Cav, 1st Infatry, 2nd Infatry, 10th Mountain, 21st Cav, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne), there will be a few more to go in.

Fixed some command console issues, also I like to have the '/' slash key ready to take a command so fixed that up. Currently it's the only way to set altitude bugs till I get a working Keyboard Unit into the cockpit.

Also added some fade in/out callbacks for special effects and scene/mode transitions.

I will try and encrypt player data to prevent casual 'cheating'.


  1. This looks so good with these Apaches on the background. I just want to click "New Flight Duty" soooo much...:-)

  2. Question: Is there any specific reason, why those "parking ramps" or how to say it, have this shape? I always wondered...Thanks.

  3. Similar project as CH,Game before a dozen years, fantastic, see the teaser.

  4. Sweet, it looks like remake of Dungeon Master(?) on the old Atari ST/Amiga.

    Cracking game that was.

  5. Nooooo Eye of beholder ! :)
    Long weeks played in those games.

  6. nice channel

    Some vids have been posted already on the forums, so perhaps you guys already know this

  7. I'd not seen the video showing how they applied the vinyl decals.

    If only it was as easy to do in software.

  8. Don't forget about 12th Combat Aviation Brigade!

  9. Hope the graphic for the 12th CAB is OK, see above screenshot #2. I had to find a higher resolution one. Cleaner fonts too.
