Friday 15 July 2011

Screen-shot of the day

Shouldn't blow stuff up in your face. Player damage is being recorded by not yet actioned.


  1. Looked to me like you'd fitted a flame thrower to the Apache.

  2. looks like its flying into the sun

  3. Yeah it does. Oh that reminds me I forgot something.

  4. wohoo fantastic progress!
    Excuse the long remained silent, but my browser moved CH bookmark to -vaporware, and I forgot about this page :/
    Nothing has changed with the release date, it is still winter 2013?

  5. Correct. Times are tough. Painting custom helmet paint-jobs and installing cup holders really slowed development. If Rick can stop blowing himself up and getting free joysticks CH will be released by the 32nd of Julember. We promise!


  6. 32nd of Julember! juhu, jipppeee, great, awesome, can`t wait....

  7. I'll be happy to send you this stick AD when I'm done testing assuming they don't want it back. I warn you though, I'm getting quite fond of it :)

    Just been doing a mini-audit of things still to-do prior to the first beta. If I can focus on this stuff intensively for the next few weeks we should be good to start getting some feedback.

    I'm a bit pissed off with the whole artificial dates thing. It's my fault for not listening to Dave and my own guidelines, but stuff like the DirectInput thing was important to me, I spent two weeks at Christmas trying to make it work and failing. I know why now, stupid really.

    There's also a little voice in my head that doesn't want to release this game. It's really odd. Can only put it down to fear and lack of control at that point. Or lack of confidence, hoping the early beta will cure that one.

    Off to hit the whiskey and watch Torchwood pt2.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ok may just not the time for jokes.

  11. In Soviet union jokes make fun of you.

  12. Ummmmm... Hmmmmmm....

    the years of high-pressure for low rewards must be catching up to me....

    I THOUGHT I read Flex using the "R" word. LOL

    I imagine you'd be afraid of unleashing the "Kraken".... only had the damn thing bottled up inside your head for what... 10 friggin yEaRs???

    Its gonna be a strange thing when it does happen for you I bet. Kinda like Bruce Willis at the end of 12 monkeys...

    Anyway... so you are liking the G940 stick? I was wondering how the FF would be for a heli sim... especially a heli with an advance flight control system like the apache.

  13. Who was I talking to recently about the Kraken?

    It seems like 10 years but doesn't feel like that to me. Dave came aboard in 2009 and it wasn't for him there wouldn't be a project as the lack of backing meant I couldn't have obtained the required assets.

    He's stuck with it through my ups and downs. Really couldn't have asked for a better invisible partner in crime. Just hope it'll be all worthwhile.

    The G940 has it's quirks. There's a grip sensor on the side, you need to put a little bit of tape over it, or it re-centres.

    The pedals are probably the best I've used, beating TM and Saitek and CH hands down for sheer glide and metal foot plates too. The throttle is quite smooth. With zero FF active the main stick is nice and loose, perfect for flying a helicopter.

    The bad, the stick will make noises like a Geiger counter at ground zero if it's got tension (FF active) and slightly off centre. I'm not kidding, it's not loud but disconcerting enough to want to recentre the stick by hand when it starts. It's a common complaint if you check the Logitech forums. It's not malfunctioning, just the motors pulsing tiny amounts. Any game noise or headphones will mask it so not a big deal.

    Reversing direction on the throttle isn't precise and needs some game setting tweaks, also it could use a few more buttons on the handle for my tastes. Spoiled by the X65F which has on the throttle 2x 4 Way and 1x 2 Way hats (not including the ones by the thumb (which adds 2 more Hats and a thumbstick).

    My attempts to simulate a force-trim didn't work out too well as there's some trick to using FF to do this, I don't know what that is yet but I expect I'll get that sorted in time. I've moved on and working on game elements and won't get back to that until the closed beta has started.

    The lamps work good though. No idea what to do with them. I expect once I bind them to cockpit lamps the squat switch will operate one, at least you'll be able to tell if your right wheel has hit something :)

  14. ok thanks for the update... I used a logitech Driving force pro wheel when I was in a racing league and it was decent but very loud too.

    Logitech is funny that way.

    I think I will pick one up and try it out (maybe with my X65 throttle)... I have heard the pedals are very good... so that may be worth it alone. I do like the idea of a minimal force profile as well.

    They have lots of problems with DCS A-10... i guess its in need of a firmware upgrade that isnt coming... maybe its a DCS problem too as I feel that logitech is pretty good for flexibility.

    I was thinking the lights could be used for warnings right? maybe you could put printable "cut-out" labels in the flight manual to show L-ENG FIRE or whatever... those tiny buttons will make it pretty small but at least it would show what its for. Also something the community could do so you can concentrate on your code. they could print on clear laser-printer sheets and would be pretty trick I bet.

  15. Yeah you can do that with the lamps, take off the caps and put your own labels on.

    The lamps are buttons but pressing it doesn't change it's colour, that's done from code so it's kinda of cool like that.

    For the record engines are named 1 and 2 throughout the cockpit, left and right can lead to confusion.
