Tuesday 19 July 2011

Horse before the cart

Just to show the standard game menu which has only just been added. You'd think it would be one of the things you might put in first?

A quick tour, of the game start-up. The client application will load the last session map (or default) and position the camera over your last location (base object if that data marker is available). If no base data is present it defaults to the player start location as written out by our map editor.

Currently there is no campaign data for the firing range (never needed it till now) so no helicopter or pad information otherwise those pads would be populated by Apaches or Chinooks.

On the main menu we have the thumping background music as previously heard in earlier videos and a Predator drone style orbit camera with desaturated video and video line effects going on. We could probably put in some HUD effects for extra presentation points even moving the camera focus from target to target across the map (e.g. below).

My aim was to try and pay homage (rip off?) the old Janes style base menu screens which were spatially compressed to fit many base features into a 640x480 screen. When you do this in 3D it looks ridiculous if you have to PLAY in it. But what will be added later is a shortcut, click on the hangers or aircraft to jump to that location (after triggering the first menu item).

I have the campaign save state to do so once that's done the first option in the menu should change to  "Continue". Selecting the first option will always zoom you down into the player controller (little guy) who's still looking a bit strange (cuboid with a ball for a head).

Also fixed, Apache weapon hot keys, broken Apache exit (slight co-ordinate mis-calculation).


  1. Hi. Its nice Flex. So..does this mean, that meanwhile the menu is displayed, there is some usual airbase traffic going on on the background?

  2. Nothing so interesting yet. It does run the main renderer and update loop, a mini-campaign for an attract mode could be loaded and processed to make this happen. Not going to go out of my to do that.

    Dave could always flex his LUA scripting and make some traffic to run around.

  3. Yes, some traffic would be really cool. It would put some live to the menu. If I remember correctly, the base image in Janes:LB2 was animated. At least some Apache`s? take off in the background?

  4. Yes, traffic is necessary, but not to the beta;)

    Dave if it is not secret,on what are you working now?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was thinking of having the community geniuses help out with menu customization (and also possibly making/assisting with map making).

    AD spends a good portion of his day doing mundane coding/ databasing I'd guess (a very unqualified guess).

    I mean if you're using LUA scripts there are a ton of guys chomping at the bit for some challenges in that arena. (again, my opinion isn't qualified but I have seen a couple of pretty smart coders at the A-10 forums... and they are frustrated with DCS's scripting issues/ strangeness)

    Again, Why not try a contest for a map maker(s)/ helpers and possibly a contest for the community to make a campaign.

    Ya never know... there's also those guys that are fairly bored to death with modding falcon Im thinking.

  7. Dave is probably waiting on me to get a new build ready. I need to get him some more tools ASAP.

    There's no need to waste too much time on this, the functions to do move traffic around are coming. It'll be easy to make a small campaign file with some units and waypoints to follow, job done.

    UNITS omg, yes....blog post time.

  8. The suggestion of implementing community work has come up 3 or 4 times in the past year or so and usually we skirt around it by talking about the difficulty of needing licenses to use the relative development tools. However, I'm personally far more concerned about the team work mechanics of a large team collaborating over the Internet.

    Over the past decade I've been involved with close to a dozen serious mod teams across various communities and game genres. Atleast 80% of those efforts have dissolved into territorial pissing contests with disgruntled members taking their toys home with them.

    The thought of out-sourcing development tasks to a group of individuals that on a whim could decide to retract permissions, demand financial reimbursement or in other ways sabotage the development of Combat-Helo, makes me feel ill.

    If we want to do this properly (professionally) then we need to work professionally.


  9. In my opinion allow people from outside only prolong
    work process of many months.You are already at the end, and you will themselves responsible for everything.This is good, it makes sense.

  10. It depends on level of involvement. There's things a community can contribute to, harmony, t-shirts. Eventually mission pools.

    I'm sure there'll be a role for modders eventually but now is not the time. And there are potentially license issues too.

  11. I could make sandwiches :)

  12. Yes AD, I do agree that they (mod teams) do tend to derail themselves (the ubiquitous "nerd war").

    As far as licsence issues, I did not anticipate that... I was thinking people doing mundane, low-level database entries and such. map making I could see the issue occurring.

    Just seems like soooooo much work for 2 people to do. I mean whats next for you guys.... making a video game of war and peace?
