Wednesday 29 June 2011

Leadwerks 3 wip on iPhone

Just something cool from the blog of Leadwerks CEO Josh Klint, an early view of Leadwerks Engine 3 running on the first of several mobile platforms. OpenGLes2 seems to be able to manage the more advanced shaders quite well. Android and Mac cross-compilation too. Being able to cover these platforms in the non too distant future is quite exciting.

Blog entry here...


  1. It makes it that little bit easier for me to port our instrument displays to mobile devices/tablets.

    And we have a number of little gaming projects lined up that could use existing art assets.

  2. Grumble. I don't do dates.

    I spent a day fixing a function that wasn't broken (turned out normals were wrong), today I'm writing a DLL for joysticks because the first complaints we'll be getting will be about certain axis and hats not working. This is long overdue anyway and is a good thing.

    The person fixing up the editing tools for the damage database was too busy to fix them.

    Not to mention the kids and their various doctor/school/dental appointments. Normally I'll work till 2am some nights to catch up on my work hours but I've not been able to do that for a while as it keeps people "awake".

    Also Fred has a crunch time coming up and he's been really busy with his own thing too. Just one of those weeks.

    Busy but scrappy.

    In the evenings I've been catching up on the violent orgy filled HBO/BBC series ROME. Think it started filming in 2006? Really enjoyed it.

  3. what the hell!?!?!?!

    We're waiting and your'e watching some Caligula porn? LOL

  4. Yeah, great stuff.

    In all seriousness when I agreed to take this on in Sept 09 it was on the understanding that there would be no personal pressure and properly funded to keep it on schedule. Well non of that happened :)

    I do work stupidly long hours doing the jobs of several people, it is stressful and it does keep me awake at nights sometimes thinking about details of all the various bits left to do.

    Although after watching HBOs Game of Thrones there's nothing in ROME that shocking, very quickly all the gritty stuff becomes part of the furniture.

    RedLetterMedia's recent entry in the 48 Hour Film festival will haunt me forever. Thank you for F'BOT 5000, thank you for nothing, you raped my brain and visual cortex.

    Today I spent hours on a memory glitch caused by one bad reference in my force-feedback DLL header. Fixed now.

    I'll get a proper blog update done when I've through with this DLL. Have a good weekend.

  5. OJ, I saw some of that red letter stuff and it is indeed pretty awful.... despite the large budgets.

    You deserve some time off flex... It aint easy single-handeldly coding a flghi sim.
