Tuesday 14 June 2011

AD updates his diary on SimHQ

AD added some screen-shots of new assets and general polishing that's going on for the USA firing-range facility being built as a pre-pay beta/support training/prologue release mini-game thing.

You can read it here...

Oil pipeline and animated pumps

Particle Ribbons

My news is more technical. However I've been working on my own particle system that will serve to improve rocket motor smoke and as a side-effect will (later) work as a backbone for an imposter/3D particle cloud system and possibly even dynamic ground vegetation. I'm really pleased with results so far.

Particle ribbon - 75m long smoke trail
The issue with most particle emitters is that objects travelling at really high speed (several hundred meters per second) move so far between frames that smoke particles can't keep up, leaving large gaps especially when viewed at a perpendicular angle. This system is more in-line with how AAA games solve that problem by filling in the gaps between frames.

Advanced Flight Model

Also the advanced flight-model has had a lot of love and is feeling really nice. Fred has done a great job. Some issues relating to anti-torque control and stabilisers to resolve but I'm really pleased with it. It's certainly responsive to small inputs, to get the absolute best flying experience I would recommend a full sized helicopter cyclic replica. Given the amount of controls on a real Apache cyclic any advanced HOTAS comes highly recommended. Although an XBOX joypad still works we'll need to fix up some damping.

Some details need to be worked out on migrating the new flight model into the main project source. The engine instruments need to be hooked into the FM power-plant outputs as well as hooking up the inputs.

It's all one step closer to the testing phase.


  1. As I said before, this looks really great. I like all those added details. Smoke trail is just beautiful. Dont know how its gonna look in the sim on background of sky or ground, but seeing it like this, its definetly one of the best looking. Is it going to twist or how to say it? Any smoke puffs behind rocket pods? :-)

  2. Don't know if I can stretch to a full sized cyclic replica but I can get the kids to shake the seat in sync with rotor rpm.

    Looking forward to hearing your results when you've intergrated your new AFM.

  3. I'm hoping you do enough of a Force feedback implementation that I can use my cyborg Force as a Cyclic and my X-52 as a control/throttle set up

  4. Force feedback isn't something I added. It's not part of the thin API I'm using although it could be done via SDL. It's just since we're focused on the Apache there's no reason to add force-feedback, if anything it would make flying much harder. With full fidelity and flying is responsive to fingertip control last thing you want is the cyclic flying out of your hand.

    I know in Black Shark they workaround the interface between typical PC joystick hardware and the simulation using force-feedback to emulate force trim. That's something we don't need as its done in software.

    It might be cool to wire up the AFM autopilot/AI to a FF stick to show you what it's doing. One to put on the back-burner I think.

    X-52 is a good stick, better than the X-65 for this sort of game IMO.

  5. so nice to hear you saying "pre-pay beta/support training/prologue release mini-game thing."

    smoke trail is looking good.

    I have the X65 BTW... It is... well... different. I have tried it with apache: air assault and flying with it isnt bad. I can put the force setting on pretty touchy and I get a decent experience (which I didnt expect). When I fly A-10 I have the force setting fairly high and pulling Gs is fun because you have to really pull hard on the stick (about 10 - 15 pounds of force). Kind of a force feedback experience... your hand actually gets tired.

  6. i was just thinking when I mentioned the pre-purchase beta idea at SimHQ I had a feeling I was going to be releasing a barrage of people wanting you to do a beta release.

    Im glad you decided to do it and I think its going to be a great thing for your sim....

    Picked out the ferrari color yet?

  7. I don't think anyone will be getting a new car any-time soon. Any extra revenue after consolidating debts should be put back into the company to develop the next project.

    I always wanted to have a training area in the game but didn't think it would happen given the amount of work needed. Middle Wallop was floating around in the back of my mind as a great area to do for training. As it turned out the majority of interest and help came from overseas, par for the course with game UK game development.

  8. Discussions about money at this stage are just stabbings in the dark as we have relatively little idea about potential sales figures. I've contacted a couple of fellow sim developers about the subject however no one is talking.

    I put out the target range concept as a way to atleast partially re-fill the coffers of all involved in the development so far but ironically I don't see it selling all that well. It may even flag a false negative as I personally believe CH:OO will sell very well.


  9. yeah Thomas, And I think A-10s use of the paid beta idea has broken the ice for sim fans to get in the pit without waiting for another year.

    I was surprised how polite all of the simmers were with the A-10/ED staff during the beta phase.

    They were grateful to see what they wanted instead of a thumb-box POS game.

    Plus they're buying a lot of new, high-end sticks....

    I think your beta sales will do well! Id appoint a moderator to handle your forums after the release (dealing with hardware issues & crash reporting) and hand holding so you guys can keep devving.

    After another year, maybe less, get a big map built (maybe have interns help with the mundane parts of terrain creation), then use mission creation contests on the beta forum while you guys work on the gold release (and finally that goddamn Ferrari).

    I would also consider locating the primary forum on your website to help consolidate your cadre of loyal customers to help quell beta whiners and help your post-release sales.

    just a thought.... I think your sales are gonna do really good!

  10. Sorry about the lack of updates Thomas. Nothing to worry about.

    I've been really busy and when I do get a break I can't face sitting down to write a blog update.

    Buuuuuut I've been adding more detail to areas of the Apache avionics, I removed the fancy smoke plumes in favor of something more efficient (saving the volumetric looking ones for SAMs).

    Been looking at how to add force-feedback support and last night working on outstanding camera/aspect ratio issues for the close up instrument views. It's possible to have such a wide field of view and wide screen that to fit two MPDs into the camera frustum, the z offset is behind the pilot seat.

    Bloody annoying.

    Just slogging away. I reckon my work hours put Team Bondai in the shade :)
