Saturday 4 June 2011

APKWS - Laser guided Hydra rockets

We've discussed this before and is something I might add to the line-up of available munitions after the Hellfire.

I was scratching my head over the launch order of Hydra rockets but found a post at a military photos website.

Hand typing all these position offsets within the pod was a bit of a pain. A certain amount of trial and error was involved. These will only be visible in the pods if Max Object Detail is turned on in graphics settings. As they are I'm not fond of having them in the tubes due to potential scale/fp issues later. But I needed the offset data for the ballistics.

MPSM almost largest of available 70mm rockets
Not a loadout you would see, 19 Illumination rockets

*edit* Photo added for comment below...

FFAR Launch


  1. That launch order works, but only if you only have one type of rocket... Otherwise (I believe) they would start at 1, 4, or 8 depending on the munition selected on the weapons page.

  2. Cheers for that Raulboy.

    I came across a launch photo (I'll add to the bottom of this blog entry shortly) that shows the last tube (19) getting fired first so I'm confused now. 1,4,8 makes sense. It's easy enough to change the launch order in code.
