Monday 29 November 2010

Story arcs - content made interesting

A recent query on the SimHQ forums prompted a quick appraisal of scripted content. I originally only penned one opening story to be recorded for use in trailers and/or training mission at the start. We don't have the  resources to do much more than that, and I'm not really sure more is needed (it would be nice to have more but gamers are smart and like to push in their own direction).

As the campaign is mostly dynamic there isn't much mission building needed. To break up the mission variety we came up with some simple to implement content. There's the 'deck of cards' intel-collection quest, ambient quests (short versions of campaign engine generated sorties collected whilst flying) and some scripted missions just like Longbow 2.

The deck of cards content is reasonably easy to assemble. The scripted mission content requires more of a story telling flair and using text with some recorded speech in some places we can embellish the hand crafted missions. I have a number of characters, some re-used from the opening introduction.

I'm assembling story arc ideas for the future. Cyclic has volunteered to play a British SAS officer and associate (I hope Druid will come and play too). I get to play a bad guy.

We have some content ideas I want to flesh out for the following characters...

- The "We Care" charity worker (female role)
- Italian liaison officer (no stereotypes please, Herat is transferring from Italian control at start of game)
- US Photographer
- Brit reporter

As much as I'd LOVE to include the Bermuda short wearing Camp Stone CO practising his golf drive out the back of a Chinook, it requires dedicated rigging and animation, things we can't do right now. So we need to keep it simple, limited to things that can be expressed as dialogue and moving vehicles.


  1. Can we call the mission The Hills Have Eyes

  2. Yes, we can call it The Hills Have Eyes lol. I think I asked you where that came from but totally forgot. Other than memories of simulated flaming death by your hands.

  3. "Cyclic British SAS Officer" rofl.... a corporal maybe, an officer .. lmao. Now if there was a Rambo character, Rob is definately your man.

    Count me in btw, I can do italian but it has a slightly welsh accent tinge to it :) Brit is better.

  4. Well...I can ask is a real SAS sgt but he's totally bonkers. Rob sounds like an officer in comparison. And he can do his telephone voice :)

    It was sitting at the breakfast table with the guys from Flight1 Software and listening to Rob talk about his PPL experience that clinched it for me.

  5. "The "We Care" charity worker (female role)"

    *cough* It would be nice to see some stereotypes broken in Combat Helo, neh?

  6. Some, but not all :)

    Since the only person I've met who worked for the world health organisation is female it made sense.

  7. Ok, so I know TWO people who worked for the WHO, one male, one female. It's just want an excuse to have the old damsel in distress scenario, I'm guilty of adding a layer of cheese to the content but it's traditional. I don't claim to be progressive. I'm a Yorkshirman dammit.

  8. Speaking about italian...
    maybe old Avalon can support you.
    Different scenario is considering Avalon speaking English... should be even funnier ;-)

  9. I'm missing some Dutch content ;-)

  10. well what about the overbearing, gun ho, redneck American LOL. I got a few friends that could fill that role real nice.
