Tuesday 9 November 2010

AH64 sound recording

Thanks Recklezz for the stunning audio recording at Gilze-Rijen air force base. It's certainly going to transform the cockpit experience. Certainly loud too. My wife often comments, "Can't you make a less annoying game?"

A Zoom H4n, (product web page) is a mini portable recording studio capable of 24bit 96Hz and the results we're impressive. The audio will need some cleaning up, normalising to compensate for variable levels, the conditions for recording as you might imagine were less than ideal. If you need a portable audio recording solution for exterior or interior / voice work then this unit comes recommended.

Maybe Recklezz and Drummer will post a little more about their experiences with the full sized Apache simulator if you ask nicely :)

They have earned a place in the Combat-Helo hall of thanks. Cheers chaps.


  1. :) nice to hear it went well

  2. I'm sure Drummer will. OR ELSE! :P

  3. Cant wait to feed it through my ears. :-)

  4. I think you got the best of the days last week for the recording as it has been on and off rain ever since and the roads around here are flooding :(

    Looking forward to hearing the sounds in the game when it is released.
