Monday 8 November 2010

Fingers crossed for good weather on Tuesday

Fingers crossed the weather is not too bad tomorrow at Gilze-Rijen air force base. Our man in the Netherlands is prepared for a day of audio recording for the Apache and Chinook.

Good luck Reck. Weather is pretty lousy here, high winds, low temps and rain, sat images and forecast is so-so. Expect wet weather and don't forget the 'dead cat' :)


  1. Cool, I live just a few kms away!! :)

  2. There was an airshow a few months ago at GilzeRijen, with lots of Apaches which I filmed (one Apache doing a loop while shooting out flares), however specifically the sound on that camera sucks, so I guess that's no help... :(

  3. Well I've got acces to the base, so I'll be there on start-up/take-off...And then the Apache will fly the display-demo for us...Officially we're not allowed to make pictures/films, so I bought a Zoom H4n for the sound recording :)
    Maybe even some simulator time, but that depends on availablity...That would be a "jizz-in-the-pants" moment :)

  4. Very nice, I remember the view of Gilze-Rijen from above, when I was trying out for the airforce (failed by the way... :-/ )

  5. How did the recording go?
    It's raining cats and dogs here in Limburg now!

  6. Some of us (including me) didn't read the title, recording is on tuesday :) And the weather is nothing like yesterday :(

  7. I'm sure Reck will post his view on things later on but I went there with him. The weather was better than expected at the time of the recordings. The wind was quite strong and I hope that didn't distort the recordings too much. We had an awesome day though as we got to play with the crew trainer/simulator there! Recklezz as pilot, and I was the copilot-gunner. Very cool stuff :)

  8. How the hell do you get to do such a thing ...

  9. That's great guys. I'm stepping through some of the audio now. I can hear how windy it was :)

    It'll need a bit of normalisation but the result should be fantastic. Much much better than what we have atm. Small turbine mixed with a hint of dentist drill.
