Friday 12 November 2010


This is going pretty well, planning and preparation over the months is paying off. If anything it's going too quickly as I find myself needing the games built-in editor sooner rather than later. I'm building this directly into the LE2.40 build to save time.

All your FARPS are belong to us.

Rather than have a basic game object "FARP" (Forward Arming and Refueling Point) we have "BASE" object of variable types. The structures for the base are made in the same way they are for mobile units, a list of objects expressed as offsets and rotations relative to the base location.

This is all stored in an easy to read and edit XML format.

Campaign stucture is currently set as follows:

  • Campaign descriptor, name, date-time start, text description
  • Terrain map filename, lat and lon of mid-point.
  • Faction list, text names, ID (Civilian = 0, US = 1, etc)
  • Base list, name, ID, position, supply data, faction
    • Base object list (optional)
  • Unit list, faction, postiion, name, visibility
    • Initial waypoints if any
    • Trigger conditions
  • Zones
    • Villages, names, faction control, population, security level, intel quality, contested flags
    • Family tree data
    • Object list (optional)
  • Map Markings, text labels, symbols, lines

That might give you a little insight into the 'firefighting' aspect of the "A-Side" campaign. There will be additional data to add later relating to consumables. For example, hard hit zones will be 'up for grabs' and require urgent re-supply or risk loosing ground in that zone. With limited supply levels and resources you will have to do what you can to can.

Having to hand-code some of this data atm just to get the loader and data set-up. More later.


  1. Is loadscene() working now? If so I'll start pumping out some prefab farps, firebases, training camps etc etc

  2. I'm doing that using my own methods, keeping as much as possible separate from Leadwerks.

    Although what I can do is write a converter to turn SBX into pre-fabs just like what we tried before. That will be handy actually, we can include them as templates for the editor when I get around to fleshing that out.

    Helipads have the ACTION key defined as "PAD_n" which you can't put in the objects INI as it's a variable number based on the size and base function rating. Also used to resolve incoming AI paths.

    Don't want to write a converter right now, busy fixing up other things. The input functions from last December are well overdue a similar make-over.

    Just need to turn the SBX into an XML object/sub-objects and add appropriate attributes. If that makes sense. Not a long job.
